District 39

Where Leaders Are Made

Where Leaders Are Made

The #3 Reason that Toastmaster clubs fail is:

The #3 Reason that Toastmaster clubs fail is: They don’t promote! Here is a 60 sec. Toastmasters video your club can use to promote Toastmasters to guests, to help build membership in your club!  Click here!

2017 Happy New Year

District 39 members, leaders and friends: Zack, Jane and I thank you for an extremely joyful and successful first half of the 2016-2017 Toastmasters year! On July 1, 2016, we started as a group of individuals hoping to improve our personal communication and leadership skills. Today we are of one heart and one mind in our quest to ensure every member is provided the greatest opportunity possible for personal and professional growth. Today we work together to determine the best methods for club officer training and how best to lead our district through the Pathways education program transition to improve both the member and leader experience. Today we are Team D39. We honor all past leaders. Your personal sacrifices and dedication to excellence enabled us to take our place among you, and allows us to continue the work of being a district where leaders are made. We honor our members. Your service to each other keeps our district strong. Thank you for sharing this amazing journey with us! May 2017 bring you and family peace, joy and prosperity.            

Changes to “Member in Good Standing”

Changes to the Definition of Member in Good Standing To be a member in good standing under the new policy, you must have your dues paid for the current period. This means that your dues must be paid on or before October 1st in the fall and April 1st in the spring. If your dues are not paid by the 1st, you IMMEDIATELY become a member not in good standing, and remain not in good standing until your dues are received by World Headquarters. This is a change from prior years where member dues were due on the 10th AND where the member had a grace period that allowed them to remain a member in good standing until November 30th in the fall and May 30th in the spring. There is no longer a grace period.

Donny Crandell Wins Semi-Final Speech Contest

Representing District 39 at the Toastmasters International Speech Contest at Washington D.C – Donnie Crandell won the Semi-Final Round.  Donny’s best speech ever engaged the audience with heart to heart passion, fun, and connection.  Donny moves on to the final round on Saturday.  GREAT JOB DONNY!!!

Toastmasters Teach Local Teens Speech-making

By Kimberly K. Fu, kfu@thereporter.com, @ReporterKimFu on Twitter Posted: 07/25/16, 5:58 PM PDT | Updated: 6 hrs ago On a day like any other last week, a group of Vacaville teens in a local leadership program quietly took a virtual mic and let their emotions flow, addressing very personal issues including bullying, racial tension and violence, leadership and community. By letting others in, they offered insight into their worlds while fulfilling a speech-making goal at the same time. “These kids are wonderful!” enthused Dianne Langston with the Vacaville City Speakers branch of the Toastmasters Club. “They’re intelligent, thoughtful, respectful.” Teddy Ngoy with Toastmasters agreed. “They’re confident, well spoken,” he said. “There’s a lot of leaders in this group.” The Vacaville Neighborhood Boys & Girls Club partnered with Toastmasters to help teens in the Club’s intern program hone their speech-making skills. On this day, the kids learned all about parliamentary procedure, how to make and vote on motions and were evaluated on their speaking skills. Just a handful of youth gave speeches, but the issues came from their hearts and their confidence blossomed within minutes of speaking. Gracie Nance, 16, spoke about differences and how today’s kids are more judgmental than those of previous generations. “It really scares me,” she said. She recalled an incident where a girl was verbally bashed because her condition made it difficult for her to make friends. It was a tough experience, she said, and she’s determined to effect change. “We need to do everything we can to stop this,” she emphasized. Junior Arteaga, 14, spoke about leadership and how becoming a leader impacted him. “I just like seeing younger kids become better than me, seeing their happy faces when I’ve helped them,” he shared. “That makes me feel like I did a great job.” Golden Pryor Jr., 16, tackled violence as a whole. “We need to worry about races killing (their own) races,” he said. Many talk about uprisings against them but they can’t or won’t stop killing their own, he pointed out. “The first step is, we need unity,” he said. Music, by way of gangsta rap or thug rap has a hand in the violence, he explained, as people are lured in by an exciting culture that’s different from their own lives. “We want to live the life but that’s not our life,” he continued. “We live in Vacaville.” People need to be more responsible regarding what they listen to, he added. “We need more rappers with the right message,” he said. “Not the trash music of kill, kill, violence, rape, sex.” The media helps promote stereotypes, gangsta rap and the racial divide, he said, and that needs to stop. He closed his talk with a challenge. “Look into positive messages and positive rappers,” Golden encouraged. Langston and Ngoy said the youths were courageous in their speeches, giving of themselves to shine a light.

2016 Spring Conference Slideshow

Pictures, picture, pictures.  A huge thank you to Bob Cullifer and each member of the photography team for capturing those special moments at the 2016 District 39 Spring Conference. Click here to see the slide show!

2016 – 2017 District Officers

District Officers, 2016-2017, elected May 21, 2016 Club Growth Director Elect Jane Taff,  District Director Elect Sondra Nunez, DTM,  Program Quality Director Elect Zack Souza, DTM Division A Director Elect Nancy Potts, ACG, ALS Division B Director Elect Vanessa Lindeberg, ACB, ALB Division C Director Elect Vonetta Roseman, ACB, CL Division D Director Elect Dianne Langston Division E Director Elect Min Wu, DTM Division F Director Elect Donna Lewis, CC, ALB Division G Director Elect Grace Frasche, ACG, ALB Division H Director Elect Jill Fay, DTM Division I Director Elect Wes Johnson, DTM Division J Director Elect veena Vijayaraj-Kadidal, ACS, ALB;

And The Winners Are

Table Topic Contest Winners: Third Place:  Anne King    Second Place:  Donny Crandell    First Place:  John Davis DTM International Speech Contest Winners: Second Place:  Reid Walley    First Place:  Donny Crandell    Third Place:  Patrick Lee

lance miller

2016 Spring Conference Keynote Speaker – Sheryl Roush.  Do not miss this event.  Add sparkle to your life. Spring Conference Registration and Flier BRINGING OUT YOUR BRILLIANCE! Sheryl Roush works with organizations on business success to: increase intrinsic motivation; boost morale; inspire employee engagement; foster team spirit; elevate customer service; and generate more business. Clients bring her on-site to address staff in their workplace, speak at association meetings, conference keynotes and breakout session, seminars, kick-off events and to facilitate retreats. Programs are high-content and highly-tailored, delivered with a motivational style and tone, creating immediate results. Clients range from associations, biotech, direct sales, education, finance, government, healthcare, hospitality and tourism, insurance and lawyers and law enforcement, manufacturing, military, real estate, retail, technology, transportation, and women in business. Her 35 years of diverse experience and expertise blends skills for communicating: in person (interpersonal, teams, leadership, interviewing) in public (speaking, training, sales presentations, media interviews, social media), and in print (sales and marketing, graphic design and advertising). Both the National Speakers Association Greater Los Angeles Area Chapter and the San Diego Chapter have presented Sheryl their Member of the Year awards. She also received the Golden Microphone Award from the GLAC Chapter. Sheryl has been a Professional Member of the National Speaker Association since 1996. For enhancing global communication and leadership, Toastmasters International honored Sheryl with their 2009 Presidential Citation, selected from over 260,000 members. In 1993 Sheryl was the sixth woman (and the youngest) in the world to be honored by Toastmasters with their elite Accredited Speaker designation for “outstanding platform professional speaking” (scored in six categories). Only 67 have earned the award in 132 countries. With over 3,500 presentations of experience, Sheryl has presented throughout Canada and the U.S., as well as Australia, the Bahamas, England, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Mexico City, Puerto Rico, Singapore, and has addressed seven Middle Eastern nations in Doha, Qatar. Sheryl understands the importance of showing respect to diverse and multi-cultural audiences. She has opened conferences for Marie Osmond and Marvin Hamlisch, closed for Geena Davis, followed Olivia Newton-John, and has appeared alongside Art Linkletter, Good Morning America’s Joan Lunden, Jane Seymour, Marcus Buckingham and Suze Orman. As Director of Speaker Training for the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Chula Vista, California, she started the Speakers Bureau, coaching Olympians in their speaking skills. She also created the AIDS Foundation San Diego speakers bureau and trained their speakers. Since 2000, Sheryl has coached the NFL San Diego Charger Girls cheer and dance team in their public speaking and media interviewing skills, as they serve as official Ambassadors for the organization. She trained lecturers at The Chopra Center, who speak on platform with Deepak Chopra, as well as management at the “World Famous” San Diego Zoo. Twice crowned as “Ms. Heart of San Diego” for contributions to battered and homeless women and children in her community (having been abused herself), Sheryl authored the Heart Book Series of inspirational books, with original short stories, poems and quotations. She was also crowned “Queen of Hope” by The Crowns for Cure (breast cancer research). Her award-winning books include: Solid Gold Newsletter Design; Sparkle-Tudes!®; Heart of a Woman; and Heart of a Woman in Business, Heart of a Mother, Heart of a Military Woman (2009 Best Inspirational, San Diego Book Awards), Heart of the Holidays, Heart of Thanksgiving, Heart of Christmas, and Heart of a Toastmaster (2014 Best Anthology, International Book Awards). From her experiences working in print shops, surrounded by abundant negativity, the constant stress of meeting tight deadlines, doing more with less, low morale and high demands of customers and bosses, Sheryl realized early on that there must be a better way of doing business. Perhaps one where there was more “heart” … a place where people would willingly bring their talents to work, and be respected and valued as a whole-person. If staff was happier and could express themselves assertively, they felt better about themselves – which then radiated to their co-workers – they would naturally be more engaged in their work, carry less stress, be more productive, work closer as a team, make less mistakes, have a sense of harmony and fun, cherish their customers… and truly thrive. After seeing this potential “ideal” workplace throughout her years in marketing, software development and self-development companies, she tested her theories – starting with her own attitude – and they worked. In spite of experiencing an assortment of character-building challenges (including bankruptcy and an abusive marriage), they still worked! Sheryl is an 8-time business owner and a 17-time published author.