District 39

Where Leaders Are Made

Where Leaders Are Made

Save the Date

Where can you get the benefits of the Fall Conference and the Leadership Breakfast for only $39? [button link=”https://www.district39.org/events/fall-leadership-summit/”]Get your tickets here[/button] https://www.district39.org/events/fall-leadership-summit/  

Improve your Pathways experience

NOTE: Updated article to include 2 more ways to add the extension to Chrome browsers.  As members are using Pathways, it seems they are having challenges with the user interface.  I used to dread logging into Pathways for one specific reason.  Stop fighting the Pathways popup and enjoy the Pathways content.  This one change will improve your Pathways experience.

New! Club Officers Training Video

Toastmasters International has posted Club Officer Training Video on their website. I have added a link to the video under “Quick Links” Thank you, Veena Vijayaraj-Kadidal for the information!

Club Fitness Program

Strong clubs have many things in common.  They focus on a Quality program, Member Diversity, Fun meetings, and invite others to join them on their journey. Are your members having fun? Is your club attracting new members? Do the members invite guests to meetings? Can guests see the value of Toastmasters? The Club Fitness program might be what your club needs to prosper. In a nutshell it’s a 12 project program focused on Quality & Growth related activities.

Calling for Presenters – 2018 Spring Conference

Call for Education Session Presenters 2018 Spring Conference Sacramento Marriott Rancho Cordova May 18/19, 2018 At our District Conferences, the goal is to offer members education sessions that inform, entertain and broaden their Toastmasters’ experiences. Education sessions are a primary reason for conducting conferences, typically offering from 3 to 9 or more sessions. You are invited to apply to be a presenter of a 55-minute education session at the upcoming 2018 Spring Conference. Please review the criteria below and submit an application if interested. We appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge and skills with your fellow Toastmasters! Some Suggested Topics:  Leadership – How to be an effective leader, developing teams, leadership principles  Effective Evaluations – Organizing your thoughts, delivering observations effectively  Effective Meetings – Preparing an agenda, Robert’s Rules of Order, coordination  PowerPoint or Prezi Presentations – How to and how not to use these applications  Goal Setting and Planning – Techniques, getting buy-in, adjusting plans  Effective Speaking − Types of speeches, words, and phrases to avoid, appropriate language  Storytelling – What makes a great story, types of stories, why and how to use them  Delivery Techniques – Add pizzazz with voice, appearance, gestures, stage presence  How to Sell Yourself – Using Table Topics in the job interview process, networking benefits  Leadership – Being the boss you always wanted, getting others to follow with minimal effort  The Professional Toastmaster – Emcee at company parties, family reunions, community benefits, wedding receptions Typical candidates for whom we are looking:  Toastmaster members in good standing who have completed Competent Communicator or Competent Toastmaster award.  Members who have previously presented at the District level, have equivalent professional experience, or have coordinated and conducted registered Success/Leadership, Success/Communication, or Youth Leadership programs. If you do not meet these requirements, you may request an appointment to audition your program for the District 39 Fall Conference Education Committee. Persons not eligible to present:  Members competing in Area, Division or District Fall speech or evaluation contests  Declared candidates for District Office Expectations and Information:  Presentation should be appropriate for a large audience (50 members) and relevant to new and experienced Toastmasters  Team or panel presentations will be considered  First preference will be given to those presentations that have an interactive element and encourage audience participation, not solely lecture style  Sessions are usually 55 minutes in length, including 10 minutes of Q & A  Presenters at the conferences will present at their own expense. There is no reimbursement for conference registration, meals, travel expenses or printing of handouts.  Indicate any requirements for electronic support equipment in the course description Questions? Please call 916-517-0342 Jane Taff, DTM Program Quality Director Jane.taff@District39.org Call for Presenters Application – Click Here


Welcome to Pathways! This unique learning experience will challenge and inspire you to reach new heights both personally and professionally. To assist you in selecting your Path, here’s an overview of the Paths available to you. Explore the projects and speeches within each path by clicking on the Path that interests you. WebPage  

Meet Your Fall Conference Keynote Speaker Kelly Sargeant

Kelly Sargeant was named 2nd Runner-Up World Champion of Public Speaking in 2014 after surpassing over 32,000 participants worldwide.  Kelly was the only female finalist in the 2014 competition and the only American, (female or male) to place in the coveted top three. Kelly was also dubbed as the “Best Female Public Speaker in the World” 2014 through 2015. Find out more about this dynamic speaker your District 39 Fall Conference keynote speaker in this video and in this interview.   D39: How long were you a Toastmaster before competing in Malaysia in      August 2014? Kelly Sargeant (KS): Four years.   D39: Prior to Toastmasters- what was your experience with public speaking? KS: I did not have any experience with public speaking.  Although I have always had a very outgoing personality, I was terrified to speak in front of a crowd.  And to me, a crowd was three people!  I joined Toastmasters to overcome my fear and it worked.   D39: Are you still competing for the World Championship of Public Speaking? KS: No.  I am now using my skills to coach contestants with the goal of coaching a champion.   D39: Where are some of the more interesting places you have travelled as a Public Speaker? KS: I’ve spoken in Paris, France!  The most interesting places were at the Pentagon and the Library of Congress! Just to be able to say that I’ve done so is an amazing sense of accomplishment.   D39: What are some of the less glamorous aspects of being a professional speaker? KS: I honestly cannot think of anything that isn’t glamorous about what I love to do, other than having to speak early in the morning!  I am not a morning person so the thought of a morning speech is just dreadful.   D39: How can we motivate ourselves and others to take leadership positions within and outside of Toastmasters? KS: By changing your perspective.  The thought of taking on leadership typically conveys taking on more responsibility.  I have found that taking on leadership opportunities is actually taking control of your life!  A leadership role allows you to gain the skills and the confidence to take the lead in other areas of your life.  So instead of thinking of leadership as more work; think of it as taking your life by the horns and having the power to steer your life in the direction that you want!   D39: Can you talk about your mentors who helped you with your journey to the World Championship Stage? KS: There were two women who were constant supporters, Jan Poscovsky and Linda Migura.  They saw something in me.  I had only been in Toastmasters for a few months when they suggested that I compete.  They read my speeches and provided me with honest feedback after watching me deliver each speech.  I cannot imagine where I would be without their guidance and belief in me.   D39: How did your journey to the World Championship of Public Speaking impact your leadership opportunities in your career? KS: During my journey to the WCPS, I held numerous officer roles for my club.  The skills and experience gained by taking on those roles prepared me for leadership opportunities in my career.  Placing 2nd Runner-up World Champion provides me with the credibility that I need to become a professional speaker and professional coach.   D39: Can you talk about the qualities of your mentors who have helped you take other leadership positions? KS: My most recent mentor at work always gave me challenging assignments to see if I could deliver a good work product with little or no guidance and supervision.  Once he realized I could excel at these asks with little guidance, he started to give me leadership roles with more responsibility every time I excelled.  I love that he gave me opportunities to prove myself.  I also appreciate his acknowledgement of my success by rewarding me with a promotion.   D39: How did your service in the army help prepare you for your career in corporate administration? KS: It helped a lot, although I did not realize it at the time. In hindsight, my military experience has helped me excel in life.  My military job title was “Administrative Specialist.”  I learned how to type more than 100 words a minute in the military.  I also learned all aspects of being an administrative assistant; from how to answer a telephone, write a letter, filing, etc.  My first corporate job was as a receptionist and I worked my way up quickly thanks to my training and experience in the military. Overall, I believe the military has helped me become disciplined and organized.         D39: How has your service as a mother of two helped prepare you for your current career? KS: Being a mother of two young girls helps me relate to my coaching clients.  I have learned how to teach in a way that people can understand and relate to younger people.   D39: Anything else you would like to add? KS:  I am so excited to share with everyone all that I’ve learned, how far I have come and what I have accomplished since changing my perspective on leadership.  I am also thrilled to show everyone a strategy that I used to overcome my fears and become successful!   Kelly will be providing her keynote “The Transformational Power of Taking the Lead” and her workshop, “The Journey to the World Championship Stage” Saturday,     November 11, at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino.  For more information about Kelly Sargeant, check out her website: www.kellysargeant.com.    

Pathways Training Webinars now posted on Dist39 Calendar!

Fellow Toastmasters, Please refer to the dist39 Website Calendar for the latest Pathways Training Webinars. Dist39 Calendar: https://www.district39.org/calendar-events/  Everything you wanted to know about the New Toastmasters Pathways Learning Modules will be covered in these Webinars. Have a fabulous day! Amrik Chima Dist39 Webmaster webmaster@district39.org