District 39

Where Leaders Are Made

Where Leaders Are Made

District 39 News / Virtual Events

Greetings District Council Leaders,   First, we hope you and all your family members are doing well.  While many decisions made in the past few months have turned our world upside down. We hope they helped keep our members safe and healthy.   Other decisions have been made for us. Many Clubs have either been displaced or their members are sheltering in place right now.  Some clubs have even considered going on hiatus for a few months; No longer meeting until the COVID-19 crisis is over.  Please consider this alternative strategy, work with your leadership to meet virtually.   In case you haven’t heard, District Leadership is trying to keep every club alive by helping them establish virtual meetings.  We are doing our best to provide resources and training to help your clubs meet virtually. While it is true that meeting virtually is not the same as meeting in person, we still get weekly opportunities as individuals and clubs to sharpen our professional skills needed for today’s workforce. Please take this opportunity to visit https://www.district39.org/zoom-masters/ to see who can help get your club online.     One more thing, as you meet virtually, remember to invite past members who had to stop because their schedule prevented them from attending. We have started to see some of our old members start to reappear, just because we invited them to join our virtual meetings.   Next, let’s talk about the upcoming District Leader elections.  Yes, we are having an online election at our Virtual District Council meeting.  But before that, we hope you will take the chance to meet our District Leader Candidates at our first ever Virtual Candidates Showcase.   Finally, we have a reminder.  The temporarily extended membership renewal is coming to an end.  April 30, 2020 is the deadline.  On May 1, 2020 any club that has not renewed its dues will no longer be in good standing. I have included these important dates and notes below.   Attention important dates: Saturday, April 11  @ 9am-11am Virtual Candidates Showcase (District Leader Candidates are interviewed) Must pre-register to get link to candidate showcase – https://www.district39.org/events/virtual-candidates-showcase/ The Virtual Candidates Showcase will be recorded and published on the District Website for viewing later. Thursday, April 30 @ 11:59pm – Last day to pay membership dues Friday, May 1 @ 12:00am – Club status changes for clubs that have not paid their dues Clubs will no longer be in good standing on May 1, 2020, unless dues have been paid. Districts directed to remove Unpaid members from the Club Leadership list to determine those Club Presidents and Vice Presidents Education eligible to vote. Thursday, May 7th @ noon – District Council Pre-Registration Deadline Pull final Club Leadership report to determine which Club Leaders are members in good standing. Saturday, May 9th @ 9am-1pm  Virtual District Council (District Leader Elections, Alignment, etc.) Must pre-register to get link to District Council Meeting – https://www.district39.org/events/district-council-may/ All District Council Members that intend to vote, must pre-register before Thursday, May 7, 2020 @Noon Business Meeting Agenda Business Meeting Minutes from the September 21, 2019 Virtual Meeting Business Council Meeting Packet – May 9, 2020 District Realignment Town Hall meeting – May 5, 2020 -proposal for 2020-2021 Toastmaster year District 39 2020-2021 Realignment PowerPoint (maps) NOTES:  District Executive Committee Members in good standing will be allowed to vote at the District Council on May 9th. Clubs in good standing may be represented by their President & VP Education. Visit http://reports.toastmasters.org/reports/dprReports.cfm?r=15&d=39&s=Renewal_Status&sortOrder=0 to see where your club stands. If you don’t see “Verified complete” next to your club, then your club is not in good standing with Toastmasters International. Clubs not in good standing, will not be counted in the quorum and will not be allowed to vote. Because this is a Virtual District Council, No Proxy votes are allowed. Thanks, Wes   Wes Johnson, DTM District Director 2019-20 District 39, Toastmasters International wes.johnson@district39.org “One Team • One Path • One District”

Marching to the goal

It’s the first week of March.  There are 17 weeks left until June 30, 2020. Deadlines: Mar 31, 2020 – Membership Renewals Apr 17, 2020 – District Spring Conference May 31, 2020 – Club Visit report submitted (Area & Division Directors) Jun 30, 2020 – Traditional DTM (all requirements completed) Club Status:  April Dues renewal status March 4, 2020 57 Clubs – (Part of the quorum)     – verified complete – 8 paid members, 3 from previous renewal period 28 Clubs – (Not in good standing) – low – less than 8 members 25 Clubs – (Not in good standing) – ineligible – less than 3 members from last renewal period 48 Clubs – (Not in good standing) – no member dues received Clubs in Good Standing: Minimum renewal requirement is eight paid members – at least three of whom were members of the club during the previous renewal period. Clubs not in good standing are ineligible to cast a vote at District Council or Annual Business meeting and are not included in the quorum. Division Directors Finalize Division Contest Club Visits Retain Clubs New Clubs Area Directors: Finalize Area Contests (help your fellow Area Directors, and Division Director) Club Visits New Clubs Club Leaders: Membership Renewals – make sure your club is in good standing – March 31, 2020 Review Club Success Plan – Education Awards Update Club Success Plan for growth opportunities Club Officer Elections & update Officer assignments in Club Central – May 31,2020 Members: Support your Area / Division contests Renew your membership Take on a new Club Officer role Complete a Path Level Start a New Path

Nominated Candidates

The following active members of District 39 have gone through the Nominating process by the District Leadership Committee. Thank you District Leadership Committee and DLC Chair Noralee Cole for all your hard work and commitment to excellence.