District 39

Where Leaders Are Made

Where Leaders Are Made

Happy Mid-Year 2020

Greetings fellow Toastmasters, It has been 26 weeks since we started our Toastmaster year.  The District Vision was “D39 will achieve President’s Distinguished status before May 31, 2020.” The District Mission was “We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.” During the first 26 weeks we focused on Success Planning, Training, Club Visits, Member Retention, Membership and Club Growth. All leaders were encouraged to complete Club, Area, Division & District Success Plans.  Many of them rose to the occasion. Division and Area Directors – 87% trained.  Club Officers – 68% trained and still training. Over 93%, a total of 143 clubs out of 153 clubs were visited. Divisions and Areas that reported over 75% Club visits: Division A – Areas 11, 12, 13, 14 Division B – Areas 21, 22, 23, 24 Division C – Areas 31, 32, 33 Division D – Areas 41, 42, 43 Division E – Areas 51, 52, 53, 54 Division F – Areas 61, 62, 63 Division G – Areas 71, 72, 73 Division H – Areas 81, 82, 83, 84 Division I – Areas 91, 92, 93, 94 Division J – Areas 1,   2,  3,  4 Thank you Area Directors that completed over 75% of their Club Visits.  Club visits are an excellent opportunity to provide positive encouraging feedback to our club leaders. Great job Division Directors for helping your Area Directors focus on reaching out to your clubs and submitting their reports on time. We chartered four clubs Cinnamon Toastmasters – 7/01/19 Thunder Masters           – 8/22/19 Speakers of the House – 10/14/19 Simply the Best           – 12/27/19 Thank you Club Sponsors, Division and Area Directors for focusing on Club Growth. As we enter 2020 let’s focus on finishing the year strong.  With 26 weeks left Finish Club Officer Training Contests – Club, Area, Division Succession Planning –  Club, Area, Division Moments of Truth – Success Plans 2020 Spring Conference Distinguished Clubs (Education, Membership) Grow new clubs Club Visits – reports due May 31, 2020 Don’t forget our guiding principles: Speak with hope about the toughest of issues. Be solution focused rather than problem focused. Refrain from reacting and giving voice to pessimism, criticism, self-criticism. Speak about problems to the right people in the right way. Replace negative words and thoughts with positive and encouraging words. With 26 weeks to go, what should we focus on? Let’s be One Team, heading down One Path becoming One District we can be proud of. Keep up the momentum, Wes Johnson, DTM District Director 2019-20 District 39, Toastmasters International wes.johnson@district39.org One Team • One Path • One District    

October Dues Update

Congratulations to Division H for completing 100% renewals.  Several Divisions are a close second.  Which one will be next? Renewals Status at a glance – according to Toastmasters WHQ: 135 clubs submitted their renewals on time   14 clubs submitted less then 8 renewals on time    2 clubs submitted renewals, but still need at least 3 renewals from last period    5 clubs clubs have not submitted renewals yet Reminder:  Toastmasters does not count member renewals until funds are received by WHQ.  Checks sent to your Treasurer, might be delayed. The data for this graphic came from the October Dues Renewals Status on the District 39 Toastmasters Performance Dashboard To see details of the renewals graphic, you can find the details in the attached RenewalsStatus spreadsheet. RenewalsStatus2019-10-08 RenewalsStatus2019-10-02 RenewalsStatus2019-10-01 RenewalsStatus2019-09-30 RenewalsStatus2019-09-29 RenewalsStatus2019-09-28 RenewalsStatus2019-09-27 RenewalsStatus2019-09-26 Toastmasters has not received funds from 5 clubs. Club Division Area Renewal_Status Name Location 7166965 B 24 Renewals Logistics Linguistics Reno 6938 D 43 Renewals Vacaville City Speakers Toastmasters Vacaville 7538467 F 63 Renewals Thunder Masters Lincoln 1323242 F 63 Renewals Sutter Oracles Roseville 5251716 G 74 Renewals SPS BSD Toastmasters Club Sacramento There are  2 clubs are ineligible.  Ineligible means the club needs at least 3 members to renew from last renewal period. Club Division Area Renewal_Status Name Location 5696979 G 74 Ineligible Franklin Speaking Rancho Cordova 5687658 J 3 Ineligible Social Toasters Sacramento There are 14 clubs that are low.  Low means club needs at least 8 members to be in good standing, 3 from last renewal period. Club Division Area Renewal_Status Name Location 1530887 A 13 Low Truckee Talkers Truckee 646938 B 23 Low Tahoe Toastmasters Club Stateline, NV, 89449 299 C 31 Low Paradise Toastmasters On The Ridge Club Paradise 662 C 31 Low Hooker Oak Club Chico 1247772 D 42 Low Davis Daytime Toastmasters Davis 1075001 D 41 Low Team Travis Toastmasters Travis AFB 2470475 E 54 Low Speakerlab Sacramento 9349 F 64 Low Penn Valley Club Penn Valley 1735 G 73 Low Determined Club Orangevale 703068 G 74 Low EdTalkers Club Mather 5739080 G 71 Low Powerschool Toastmasters Folsom 5966134 I 94 Low Speakers Unlimited Elk Grove 3372 I 92 Low Delta Toastmasters Club Stockton 3438 J 1 Low Coyote Communicators Club Sacramento

Club Officer Training Standards

On July 13th, 2019 our District had a DECM, a meeting of the District Executive Council, for the purpose of sharing information and making important decisions throughout the District. During the DECM our District Director made a statement regarding Club Officer Training Standards. This is the statement that can be found in the meeting minutes. There has been a lot confusion throughout our District over the Training Standards. Throughout our District there have been differing opinions as to the minimum standards on training.  It has been confusing to our Officers and ultimately affects the excellence of our clubs. This year a document was produced by the Quality Team called “District 39 training standards” It was based on the belief that Districts can set their own Training standards. However, upon further inquiry, we now have validated and finalized direction from Toastmasters International.  The training minimum has been and always will be based on Training Club Leaders item 217. I was recently reminded by Toastmasters Headquarters that The District Director is responsible to ensure the standards in the Training Club Leaders guide are followed. Therefore, this is the protocol.  District 39 will be in compliance with Training Club Leaders guide this year and going forward. Adjustments will be made to training events on the District calendar. Toastmasters Club Officer Training standards will be posted: On our District website Announced on the District Facebook page Sent to every officer in the District so everyone is informed of the minimum Club Officer Training standards. All new Training Events must fulfill the minimum training as specified in the Training Club Leaders guide. NOTE: I have instructed our Program Quality Director to ensure the Quality Team and Trainers will provide opportunities for all Club Officers to makeup their extra training hour they may have missed in previous trainings. At the time of this Post there are five weeks remaining in Training Round 1. Deadline: Round 1 Club Officer Training ends on August 31 Time is running out: Most of the trainings in District 39 Training have met or exceeded the minimum training standard. However, there are some training events or series of events on the calendar that show only one or two hours of training on their agenda. If you are a Club Officer that took one of these shorter trainings, please take the extra training opportunities to ensure Toastmasters will give your club credit for your training.

Attention: Club Officer Training

Club Officers Training Classes are now posted on the District 39 website! Link to D39 Calendar: https://www.district39.org/calendar-events/ Districts must train club officers twice per year. First Training: Between June 1 and August 31 Training: Between December 1 and February 28 Clubs with officers attending training receive credit toward the training goal in the Distinguished Club Program. In order for clubs to receive credit, the district’s Program Quality Director must record the training information online at District Central under the Club Officer Training Report. Record the training information online by: September 30: for June through August training period (changes accepted until November 30.) March 31: for December through February training period (changes accepted until May 31.) 

Update your Officers List in Club Central

Dear Club Officers,   If your club has semi-annual elections, please visit Club Central today and make sure your club officers have been updated for the next six months.    Deadline for submitting semiannual elections officer update is December 31, 2018. Thanks, Wes   Wes Johnson, DTM Program Quality Director 2018-19 District 39, Toastmasters International