District 39

Where Leaders Are Made

Where Leaders Are Made

New Toastmasters Navigator

Toastmasters is updating their user experience to be more web and mobile device friendly. Check out the new interface  Toastmasters Navigator on your mobile device.

2018 Fall Leadership Summit a Success

I want to personally thank everyone that attended the 2018 Fall Leadership Summit. Your presence helped to make this event such a Success. We had a sell out crowd of 140 members and guests.  Awesome speakers! Great Food, Fellowship, and Fun. In order to make next year’s event even better we need your feedback. If you haven’t already completed the survey, please complete the survey here Fall Leadership Summit Survey   Don’t forget Spring Conference is only a few months away, Early bird tickets are selling fast.  Register Now  

Get 2019 Spring Conference Tickets NOW!

Register for the 2019 Spring Conference Tickets NOW!!! Hurry, the first 100 are on sale for $135 [button link=”https://www.district39.org/events/spring-conference-2019/”]Register Today![/button]

Fall Leadership Summit sold out

Fall Leadership Summit has Sold out. [button link=”https://www.district39.org/events/fall-leadership-summit/”]See event details[/button]

Save the Date

Where can you get the benefits of the Fall Conference and the Leadership Breakfast for only $39? [button link=”https://www.district39.org/events/fall-leadership-summit/”]Get your tickets here[/button] https://www.district39.org/events/fall-leadership-summit/  

Improve your Pathways experience

NOTE: Updated article to include 2 more ways to add the extension to Chrome browsers.  As members are using Pathways, it seems they are having challenges with the user interface.  I used to dread logging into Pathways for one specific reason.  Stop fighting the Pathways popup and enjoy the Pathways content.  This one change will improve your Pathways experience.

Club Status 2018-05-16

Clubs lost 3 1.80% Ineligible/Low Clubs 9 5.39% Paid Clubs 155 92.81% Active Clubs 164 98.20% Club Base 167

Division B leads the pack in renewals

Toastmasters is accepting payments now. Deadline is March 31. Division B leads the pack with 2 clubs renewed. Divisions G, A, and I are tied for second with 1 club each. The rest of the Divisions C, D, E, F, H, and J need to step up their efforts. Club Division Area Renewal_Status Name Location 5420 B 23 Verified complete – 02/28/2018 Carson Valley Toastmasters Club Minden 2695 G 74 Verified complete – 02/24/2018 Mather Toastmasters Club Rancho Cordova 5042634 B 23 Verified complete – 02/22/2018 GE Minden Toastmasters Minden 456 A 11 Verified complete – 02/15/2018 Washoe Express Club Reno 5966134 I 94 Verified complete – 02/07/2018 Speakers Unlimited Elk Grove Don’t forget your speaker contestant must be a member in good standing and your club must be in good standing in order to compete. https://www.toastmasters.org/my-toastmasters/profile/club-central/eligibility-assistant

Procedures Update

At our February Virtual DEC Mtg I shared the latest Procedures committee activity.  Every committee member is currently tasked with reviewing the submitted 2018-2019 event suggestion list.  The committee members have been asked to evaluate and discuss the pros and cons of each proposed suggestion.  Every Division Director, Area Director, President and VP Education is encouraged to visit the Committee Status page and view the latest document. https://www.district39.org/procedures-committee/procedures-committee-status/