District 39

Where Leaders Are Made

Where Leaders Are Made

Zoom Masters

Visit here for news & resources on conducting Virtual Meetings. Zoom Masters What is a Division Zoom Master? Works with the Division Director, Areas and Clubs to schedule and support virtual meetings Provides Tech Support and resources Collaborates with Zoom Masters in other Divisions Ensure clubs can establish and conduct virtual meetings. Support Division and District Virtual events (Councils, Contests, Meetings) Each Zoom Master will : Acquire and Manage 1 zoom Pro account for your Division Schedule virtual zoom meetings for Clubs, Area Councils, and Division and meetings in your Division. Serve as Tech Support for Zoom meetings in your Division. Collaborate with Zoom Masters in other Divisions to help share needed resources. Zoom Master 1 Zoom Master 2 Zoom Master 1 Zoom Master 2 Division A Kathleen Sandoval Mike Sullens Division F Robin Dyer-Oliver  Marianne Ward Division B Angie Rodriguez Laura Gregory Division G Pat Knight David Betowski Division C Kelly Cummings Yuki Arends Division H Reham Newar Marcy Johnson Division D Justin Gomez Lynda Mendez Division I George Jarosik Theo Pope Division E John Pasamonte Marshalle Graham Division J Brian Hatano Katherine O’Ray District Zoom Master: Adrianna Lucero FAQ: Is there a Discussion Group ? Yes, there is a Slack Channel https://district39.slack.com/, #zoom-masters channel An invitation will be sent to all District Zoom Masters, if you need an invite, please send request to Wes Johnson Virtual Meeting Resources: Toastmasters – Online Attendance On-line TM meetings – vers 2 D52OnlineGuide-zoom Thanks to District 52 for online guide Look Good On Camera Get Ready with Zoom Get Ready for Online Meeting Get Ready for Online Contest Thanks to District 108, Lithuania for these useful tips   Adrianna Lucero and Quinn Buniel hosted our first Virtual Zoom Meeting Training.

Zoom accounts and Virtual Club Support

Dear Division Directors, In order to better support your members and clubs during the COVID-19 group size limit, the Trio has authorized funds to purchase two Zoom Pro accounts per Division.  The two Zoom accounts will provide each Division virtual meeting options for Club, Area, and Division meetings and Contests in lieu of cancelling meetings. These accounts will be reimbursed during the months of March, April, May, and June.   Here is what we need for each Division Director to do: Find 2 people in your Division that will serve as Zoom Masters for your Division. Each Zoom Master will : Acquire and Manage 1 zoom Pro account for your Division Schedule virtual zoom meetings for Clubs, Areas and meetings in your Division. Serve as Tech Support for Zoom meetings in your Division. Collaborate with Zoom Masters in other Divisions to help share needed resources. Share Division Zoom Master contact information with the Trio Submit 2 zoom receipts in Concur for reimbursement in April, May, and June Contribute to the Zoom Masters group discussion A Zoom Masters page will be created that has information regarding virtual meeting best practices,  Zoom Master contact information and other collaborative information to help support our members & our clubs.  As always, we appreciate your patience and your willingness to work together for the good of District 39. Thanks, Wes

DECM Emergency Meeting – Virtual Contests

Emergency DECM 2020-03-16 The District Executive Council decided to continue to conduct Speech Contests for the 2019-2020 contest cycle. Contests conducted through June 1, 2020 will be done virtually. The Program Quality Team has been tasked with communicating the details of how this will be implemented by March 31, 2020. Virtual Contests will be conducted in April & May.  Division Directors will decide when these contests will occur. Toastmaster International Letter to District Leaders Roll Call DECM Emergency Meeting Toastmaster International Updates: Board of Directors 03/14/2020 Dues Due – Extension Leadership Award Submission – Extension

DECM Mar 2020

Last D39 DECM was a virtual meeting held on 2020-03-14 at 9am. NOTE: Virtual District Council Meeting 5/9/2020 at 9am-1pm Meeting Minutes (03/14/2020) Roll Call Packet-DECM (Final) Addendum District 39 Voucher for Reimbursement Toastmaster International Updates: Board of Directors 03/14/2020 Dues Due – Extension Leadership Award Submission – Extension

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

Updated March 17, 2020 FAQs have updated, please review ASAP. The Trio is aware of the impact the coronavirus (COVID-19) is having on members and clubs in our District. We are in regular communication with Toastmasters International and are closely monitoring the situation and taking the necessary steps to support our members. Please revisit this page often. We will update it as new information becomes available. Guidance from Toastmasters International – www.toastmasters.org/COVID (Additional Resources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and California Department of Public Health.) Due to safety and government restrictions, Toastmasters International understands that clubs may not be able to meet in person. Therefore, they encourage you to meet online if in-person meetings are not possible or preferable. Frequently Asked Questions Will Division speech contests be canceled? No.  The District Executive Committee decided on 3/16 to continue the 2019-2020 contest cycle. Between March and June 1, 2020 all contests will be conducted virtually. Will District Conference be canceled? Toastmasters has mandated that all Area, Division, and District Events can no longer be conducted  in person prior to June 1, 2020. The District Conference has therefore been postponed until June. The April venue will be cancelled.  All tickets sold will be refunded. The District will reschedule the event in June.  Once we have determined the price for new tickets, we will move ahead with a June Conference. Will District Council meeting be canceled? No.  The District Council meeting will be conducted virtually on May 9th, 2020. District Business covered: Club Alignment Elections Proposals What will be the format of the Online Meeting? Online meetings shall have the same format with the regular meeting agenda.  The only difference is the medium. Some best practices to follow would be: Unmute only when speaking to reduce noise etc. Turn off all the webcams except the speaker and the timer’s webcam, so that the timing signals can be seen by the speaker. Table topic master can call out the member to respond, at which point the member can unmute and speak. We understand that it’s a far diminished experience in comparison to the in-person club meetings. As soon as in-person meetings are possible, the clubs are expected to switch back to regular meetings at their venue. Tips and Resources Stay at home from community events if you: Feel sick or have symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, etc.) Recently had contact with an individual known or suspected to have COVID-19 Or if you are at a higher risk (elderly or immunocompromised) Traveled to China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Italy, Iran or other high-risk areas in the past 14 days. Check the CDC website for more details. If your club is holding meetings In-person Completely avoid shaking hands and other physical contact (use elbow bumps, or wave hands, etc.) Create physical space to minimize close contact (one arm length, sit every other seat) Provide hand washing capabilities or hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes, and tissues Avoid touching your face or high touch surfaces with your bare hands (use a tissue) If you’re not able to access your meeting space, meet Online using available video conferencing applications such as: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/ https://hangouts.google.com/ https://www.webex.com/ https://www.zoom.us/

Marching to the goal

It’s the first week of March.  There are 17 weeks left until June 30, 2020. Deadlines: Mar 31, 2020 – Membership Renewals Apr 17, 2020 – District Spring Conference May 31, 2020 – Club Visit report submitted (Area & Division Directors) Jun 30, 2020 – Traditional DTM (all requirements completed) Club Status:  April Dues renewal status March 4, 2020 57 Clubs – (Part of the quorum)     – verified complete – 8 paid members, 3 from previous renewal period 28 Clubs – (Not in good standing) – low – less than 8 members 25 Clubs – (Not in good standing) – ineligible – less than 3 members from last renewal period 48 Clubs – (Not in good standing) – no member dues received Clubs in Good Standing: Minimum renewal requirement is eight paid members – at least three of whom were members of the club during the previous renewal period. Clubs not in good standing are ineligible to cast a vote at District Council or Annual Business meeting and are not included in the quorum. Division Directors Finalize Division Contest Club Visits Retain Clubs New Clubs Area Directors: Finalize Area Contests (help your fellow Area Directors, and Division Director) Club Visits New Clubs Club Leaders: Membership Renewals – make sure your club is in good standing – March 31, 2020 Review Club Success Plan – Education Awards Update Club Success Plan for growth opportunities Club Officer Elections & update Officer assignments in Club Central – May 31,2020 Members: Support your Area / Division contests Renew your membership Take on a new Club Officer role Complete a Path Level Start a New Path

Nominated Candidates

The following active members of District 39 have gone through the Nominating process by the District Leadership Committee. Thank you District Leadership Committee and DLC Chair Noralee Cole for all your hard work and commitment to excellence.

DECM Feb 2020

Last D39 DECM was a virtual meeting held on 2020-02-08 at 2pm. NOTE: Next DECM 3/14/2020 at 8am-9:30am 2020.02.08 Meeting Minutes 2020.02.08 Roll Call 2020.02.08 DECM Packet 2020.02.08 Addendum

How to use Leo’s Tools

Leo’s tools are amazing, they give you a graphical picture of what’s happening with clubs in the district.  Caution:  By default Leo’s tools shows a color view of DCP status, not membership status. This is really cool looking, but not real helpful.  We need to make some adjustments to get the true picture.  The rest of this article shows how to get the views that will be helpful to assess your Division / Area situation. After launching Leo’s tools https://code.pachogrande.com/leotools/leoboard.html?district=39  you see what appears to be a periodic table. Default view shows club order based on DCP points. Problem, without membership, are technically not in the game yet. Purple = (DCP 9-10) Blue = (DCP 7-8) Green = (DCP 5-6) Yellow = (DCP 4) Orange = (DCP 3) Red = (DCP 1-2) Gray = (DCP 0) NOTE:  The thing you don’t realize is the smaller # is the membership qualifier.  0 or more is good.  -1 or less is bad.  But it’s not that obvious. Do not use the default settings: Current DCP (desc), Grouping Disabled, Render(Change your colors) To see the membership picture, we need to see which clubs are close to meeting the membership requirements and those that are in trouble. By changing Render parameter to Membership we get the qualifying membership picture. Green = (Membership/growth met) Yellow = (-1 to -4 to meet membership/growth) Red = (-5 or more to meet membership/growth) NOTE: You can easily see that green clubs meet the membership.  Yellow clubs are close to membership requirement.  Red clubs need more help. Use membership settings: Current DCP (desc), Grouping Disabled, Render (Membership) To see the clubs that need the most help, change the view one more time. Sort by Required Membership for DCP (ascending) It will show clubs in ascending order from Danger in Red, to Getting Close in Yellow, to Doing well in Green. Red = (-5 or more to meet membership/growth) Yellow = (-1 to -4 to meet membership/growth) Green = (Membership/growth met) 56 Red – Clubs in Danger 48 Yellow – Clubs close to growth numbers 54 Green – Clubs that are on track This view helps Division Directors and Area Directors quickly see what they need to focus on. Use membership settings: Sort by Required Membership for DCP (asc), Grouping Disabled, Render (Membership) To see the membership view grouped by Areas, choose Grouping Area, Render (Membership) Green = (Membership/growth met) Yellow = (-1 to -4 to meet membership/growth) Red = (-5 or more to meet membership/growth) This view helps Division Directors and Area Directors quickly see what they need to focus on. NOTE: You can easily see that green clubs meet the membership.  Yellow clubs are close to membership requirement.  Red clubs need more help. Use membership settings: Current DCP (desc), Grouping Area, Render (Membership) Hopefully, what I shared has been helpful.  If you need more help, please contact Wes.Johnson@district39.org  

22 Weeks – Toastmaster Promise

What should we focus on? With 22 weeks left in the Toastmaster year, we need decide on where to focus our efforts. Deadlines Feb 29, 2020 – Club Officer Training (Club Officers) Mar 31, 2020 – Membership Renewals Apr 17, 2020 – District Spring Conference May 31, 2020 – Club Visit report completed (Area & Division Directors) Jun 30, 2020 – Traditional DTM (all requirements completed) – DCP Credit (Club Officers & Club Members) – New Clubs What is important? The answer to this question is personal, you must decide what is important for your situation.  What matters most for you will be based on where you are in your Toastmasters journey and your role in leadership this year. What is urgent? Once you decide what matters most and the associated deadlines your decisions will become obvious.  Focus your energies on what is most important and what is most urgent. The Eisenhower Matrix Introduced by President Eisenhower as a time management tool, the Eisenhower Matrix can help everyone focus on what is most important now and how to manage other things on your to do lists.  For more info on the Eisenhower Matrix and how it can help with Time Management read this article. What if I’m not a leader? You might be a POT (Plain Old Toastmaster) who is not actively involved in leadership this year.  I challenge you to become more engaged and lead by example.  You have a responsibility to your fellow Toastmasters.  When you joined Toastmasters, you made a promise.  I have summarized the Toastmaster promise here. Toastmasters promise summarized: Attend club meetings; be prepared and engaged Work the education program Provide helpful, constructive evaluations Serve as a club officer when asked Treat everyone with respect and courtesy Bring guests to club meetings Follow guidelines and rules for Toastmasters education and recognition programs Conduct all Toastmasters activities within core values integrity, respect, service, excellence Bottom Line Whether you are a District Leader, Club Officer, Past District Leader or a Plain Old Toastmaster we are all leading others by our example. What kind of example are you setting for others?  Are you keeping your promise?