District 39

Where Leaders Are Made

Where Leaders Are Made

Meet Your Region 2 International Director Jim Kohli

Jim Kohli represents approximately 18,000 members and 950 clubs in the seven districts in Region 2. He will be coming to the District 39 Fall Conference November 10 and 11th and presenting a humorous speech about leadership. Find out more about your Region 2 International Director in this rock star inspired video and in this interview below.   D39: When and why did you join Toastmasters? Jim Kohli (JK): Since September 12, 2002. I visited the Waukesha Toastmasters in D35, in Wisconsin to see if Toastmasters could help some of the employees who I managed. I was so impressed by the power of evaluations that I joined on the spot.   D39: Where are you from and where do you live now? JK: I was born in Florida, spent my early childhood on Long Island (New York), and lived in Wisconsin for 46 years. My wife and I transitioned to San Ramon, California in 2013.   D39: What kind of work do you do outside of Toastmasters? JK: I am a software architect for GE Healthcare in their Services division. I also manage our divisions Intellectual Property portfolio working with our legal team and our inventors to insure protection for our inventions.   D39: What does an International Director do?   JK: As an International Director, I work with the other International Directors and the executive team to prioritize and address problems facing our institution today. We also prioritize and address new ways to meet the needs of our members whether or not one would call that addressing a problem.   D39: How did your prior Toastmasters leadership experiences prepare you for it?   The best way to prepare for this kind of work is to be open minded, have good listening and analytic skills, demonstrate emotional intelligence and engage a variety of persuasive skills. Being an area director and working through the different paths available in district leadership is a great way to prepare for this role.   As a past Region Advisor, I also enjoyed a broader-than-usual perspective on how some needs are met in other districts, both within our region and in other regions, as well. The broader perspective is very useful in informing one’s opinions on such things. Much of our work, as a board, involves strategically changing how we operate as an institution by guiding changes to our governing documents and providing guidance to the staff at World Headquarters.   D39: What motivated you to pursue running for International Director? JK: I recognized that the leadership experiences that I have enjoyed as a Toastmaster have had a tangible and positive effect on my life – being an International Director seemed like it should continue to grow me. At some risk of seeming immodest, I also felt like I may be able to provide better service to our members than other potential candidates – my being an International Director should help others grow.   D39: What can we do to motivate future leaders? JK: I think it is important to understand that we are not in Toastmasters to be a better Toastmaster – we are in Toastmasters to improve ourselves, our lives, and the lives of those around us. I think if we can help our members understand this aspect of the Toastmasters experience and make deliberate choices to broaden their skills through a leadership experience, everything will fall into place.   D39: Do you have any other advice to current and future district leaders? JK: Develop mantras around how your team operates. Grab, use, and improve other leaders’ mantras to improve your own. Don’t invest your emotions in your efforts, invest your emotions in the team’s efforts. You will hear more on this subject during my presentations   D39: What do you like to do outside of Toastmasters? JK: I like spending time with my family, I enjoy reading and listening to music. I like biking, jogging, playing ultimate-frisbee, and volleyball. I enjoy creating. I play games of strategy, I like crosswords and Sudoku, and I enjoy studying the fine art of Cajun cookery. Mentoring and coaching are also very rewarding.   D39: Anything else you would like to add? JK: I am very excited about visiting District 39 during your final Fall Conference! I know many of you already and I look forward to making new acquaintances. I hope that if you are thinking about a leadership role, that you will find value in some leadership mantras that I will share with you during my visit.   Come to learn about some of Jim’s mantras during his twenty minute presentation, “Leading in the Times of Change: Lessons from the Frozen Tundra (It’s Not about Football)” 7:30 am, Saturday, November 11, 2017, at the District 39 Fall Conference at the Hard Rock Café and Casino in South Lake Tahoe.

Don’t forget to register for the Fall Conference

Why should I attend the Fall Conference? Kelly Sargeant – Second Place World Champion and Motivational Speaker will speak on how to improve your speaking skills and club leadership.       Meet our District 39 Trio.  Share your challenges, concern and successes with them.  Club Growth Director Wes Johnson DTM, Program Quality Director Jane Taff DTM, District Director Zack Souza DTM.     Noralee Cole DTM will present 23 DTM medals to 23 District 39 recipients that worked hard to attain the title “Distinguished Toastmasters”.  Cheer your fellow Toastmasters!     Friday Fun Night promises to be a Rockin good time.  Meet and chat with members from other clubs.  DJ Music and Dancing.  Costume Contest.       This is the last District 39 Fall Conference and this is the last Humorous Contest.  Attend, root for your club members competing.  Sign up now, it’s not to late. Click here to register On-Line or mail in Registration Form!

Meet Your Fall Conference Keynote Speaker Kelly Sargeant

Kelly Sargeant was named 2nd Runner-Up World Champion of Public Speaking in 2014 after surpassing over 32,000 participants worldwide.  Kelly was the only female finalist in the 2014 competition and the only American, (female or male) to place in the coveted top three. Kelly was also dubbed as the “Best Female Public Speaker in the World” 2014 through 2015. Find out more about this dynamic speaker your District 39 Fall Conference keynote speaker in this video and in this interview.   D39: How long were you a Toastmaster before competing in Malaysia in      August 2014? Kelly Sargeant (KS): Four years.   D39: Prior to Toastmasters- what was your experience with public speaking? KS: I did not have any experience with public speaking.  Although I have always had a very outgoing personality, I was terrified to speak in front of a crowd.  And to me, a crowd was three people!  I joined Toastmasters to overcome my fear and it worked.   D39: Are you still competing for the World Championship of Public Speaking? KS: No.  I am now using my skills to coach contestants with the goal of coaching a champion.   D39: Where are some of the more interesting places you have travelled as a Public Speaker? KS: I’ve spoken in Paris, France!  The most interesting places were at the Pentagon and the Library of Congress! Just to be able to say that I’ve done so is an amazing sense of accomplishment.   D39: What are some of the less glamorous aspects of being a professional speaker? KS: I honestly cannot think of anything that isn’t glamorous about what I love to do, other than having to speak early in the morning!  I am not a morning person so the thought of a morning speech is just dreadful.   D39: How can we motivate ourselves and others to take leadership positions within and outside of Toastmasters? KS: By changing your perspective.  The thought of taking on leadership typically conveys taking on more responsibility.  I have found that taking on leadership opportunities is actually taking control of your life!  A leadership role allows you to gain the skills and the confidence to take the lead in other areas of your life.  So instead of thinking of leadership as more work; think of it as taking your life by the horns and having the power to steer your life in the direction that you want!   D39: Can you talk about your mentors who helped you with your journey to the World Championship Stage? KS: There were two women who were constant supporters, Jan Poscovsky and Linda Migura.  They saw something in me.  I had only been in Toastmasters for a few months when they suggested that I compete.  They read my speeches and provided me with honest feedback after watching me deliver each speech.  I cannot imagine where I would be without their guidance and belief in me.   D39: How did your journey to the World Championship of Public Speaking impact your leadership opportunities in your career? KS: During my journey to the WCPS, I held numerous officer roles for my club.  The skills and experience gained by taking on those roles prepared me for leadership opportunities in my career.  Placing 2nd Runner-up World Champion provides me with the credibility that I need to become a professional speaker and professional coach.   D39: Can you talk about the qualities of your mentors who have helped you take other leadership positions? KS: My most recent mentor at work always gave me challenging assignments to see if I could deliver a good work product with little or no guidance and supervision.  Once he realized I could excel at these asks with little guidance, he started to give me leadership roles with more responsibility every time I excelled.  I love that he gave me opportunities to prove myself.  I also appreciate his acknowledgement of my success by rewarding me with a promotion.   D39: How did your service in the army help prepare you for your career in corporate administration? KS: It helped a lot, although I did not realize it at the time. In hindsight, my military experience has helped me excel in life.  My military job title was “Administrative Specialist.”  I learned how to type more than 100 words a minute in the military.  I also learned all aspects of being an administrative assistant; from how to answer a telephone, write a letter, filing, etc.  My first corporate job was as a receptionist and I worked my way up quickly thanks to my training and experience in the military. Overall, I believe the military has helped me become disciplined and organized.         D39: How has your service as a mother of two helped prepare you for your current career? KS: Being a mother of two young girls helps me relate to my coaching clients.  I have learned how to teach in a way that people can understand and relate to younger people.   D39: Anything else you would like to add? KS:  I am so excited to share with everyone all that I’ve learned, how far I have come and what I have accomplished since changing my perspective on leadership.  I am also thrilled to show everyone a strategy that I used to overcome my fears and become successful!   Kelly will be providing her keynote “The Transformational Power of Taking the Lead” and her workshop, “The Journey to the World Championship Stage” Saturday,     November 11, at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino.  For more information about Kelly Sargeant, check out her website: www.kellysargeant.com.    

Pathways Training Webinars now posted on Dist39 Calendar!

Fellow Toastmasters, Please refer to the dist39 Website Calendar for the latest Pathways Training Webinars. Dist39 Calendar: https://www.district39.org/calendar-events/  Everything you wanted to know about the New Toastmasters Pathways Learning Modules will be covered in these Webinars. Have a fabulous day! Amrik Chima Dist39 Webmaster webmaster@district39.org

Meet Your Rockin Fall Conference Co-chairs

By Kristi Beres Carmela Porcella and Bill Inman met in 2004 when they both were selling Avon products for Bill’s sister. This dynamic duo married in May 2016. Find out more about these adventurous rock-stars from Carson City, Nevada who are your District 39 Fall Conference Co-chairs. D39: When did you join Toastmasters and what clubs do you belong to? Bill Inman (BI): I joined Toastmasters in April 2009 Capital Nevada, We the People, Carson Valley. Carmela Porcella (CP): April 2009. Capital Nevada, We the People. D39: What attributes do you have that made you decide to be conference chairs? CP: Volunteering and realizing that things will go wrong and not to worry about it. To paraphrase Tim Gard, “We’re going have fun and no one is going to stop us.” BI: A good appetite and naive enough to volunteer. D39: What projects and activities do you two do as a couple outside of Toastmasters? BI: We have taken some grand adventures- we hiked and ate at Furnace Creek, Death Valley, at 200 feet below sea level and also to the “Eleven 53 Cafe” on top of Mammoth Mountain – at 11,053 feet ABOVE sea level. CP: As a true New Yorker, I had never been to the top of the Empire State Building until I went with Bill in August 2017! We love cruises, hiking, and the numerous road trips to Sacramento when we write our now famous songs! D39: What experiences in Toastmasters have helped you with conference planning? BI: I know from experience that any new Toastmasters role is a learning opportunity, and being a conference (co)chair is a new role. CP: When Noralee Cole was our Division Governor and we were new Area Governors, she told us we knew what we were doing. She’s a great mentor, and she taught me to trust my instincts and let other people do their jobs. Thank you Noralee! D39: How did you pick the Rock and Roll theme? BI: When we found out it was at it was going to be at the Hard Rock Hotel/Casino- it was obvious what our theme would be. CP: I love the Beatles! Fall Conference- yeah, yeah, yeah! D39: What will be the vibe of Friday Night Fun Night? CP: Dress like a Rock Star! Sing! Dance! Try and ditch the paparazzi! BI: There will also be the DTM ceremony and a bunch of other awards. D39: What new things are you trying for the District 39’s last Fall Conference? BI: Other really ROCKIN’ it near Lake Tahoe? Leave your banners at home because we will have a digital banner parade. CP: Origami Flowers and singing live on stage as the D39’s. D39: How can folks volunteer for the conference? BI and CP: Contact Volunteer Chair Division B Director John Velasco johnrand.v.316@gmail.com to volunteer. D39: What is the best part of attending conferences? BI: The food. Grrr! CP: Seeing TM friends, meeting new Toastmasters, keynotes, contests, and shopping for new clothes. D39: Saturday is the District Evaluation Contest. What one tip do you have for an awesome evaluation? BI: Listen carefully to the speech and come up with something that will help the speaker. CP: There is no wrong evaluation since it is your opinion. Just remember to offer suggestions for improvement and summarize your evaluation at the end. Also have fun! D39: Saturday night will be the District’s Humorous Speech Contest. Who outside the District makes you laugh? CP: Tim Gard and Kate McKinnon’s parodies of Clinton and Conway on Saturday Night Live. BI: I agree- Tim Gard. That guy is funny! Like Carmela said earlier- we’re adopting his motto: “We’re going to have fun and no one is going to stop us.” D39: Why are you hyped about this conference? BI: Because it’s gonna ROCK!!! CP: I’m gonna dress like a Rock Star, and I love Rock ‘n Roll and Toastmasters! D39: Why should D39 members sign up today for the full conference? BI: It’s an excuse to come to Tahoe for the weekend. Also, the humorous speeches, and this will probably be the last chance to see a District Humorous Speech Contest in a conference format. CP: Lake Tahoe is so beautiful. What would be more fun than to spend the weekend with your Toastmasters friends enjoying the conference and contests? Then spend Sunday exploring the lake, ride the gondola to the Heavenly Ski Resort, have dinner on the MS Dixie night cruise. D39: For more information about the Fall Conference visit District 39 Fall Conference Website: https://www.district39.org/2017-fall-conference/ We will see you November 10 and 11 in South Lake Tahoe.                        

Meet District 39’s First Accredited Speaker Donny Crandell

Meet District 39’s First Accredited Speaker Donny Crandell By Kristi Beres On August 26, 2017, at the Toastmasters International Conference in Vancouver, Canada, Donny Crandell became the first speaker from District 39 and one of only 75 Toastmasters to achieve the Accredited Speaker award.  Crandell, a 2016 World Championship of Public Speaking finalist shares his thoughts about his journey on becoming an Accredited Speaker. When did you join Toastmasters? I joined five years ago. My first Club was Placer’s Gold in Auburn, California.  What is the Accredited Speakers Award? Toastmasters recognizes professional speakers with a rare, prestigious designation called, “Accredited Speaker.” Through a rigorous application process and video submission, the candidate must pass level 1. After that, it’s off to level two, speaking at the International Conference Accredited Speaker forum. What is the screening process like? It’s an arduous journey but well worth it. The level one video is judged by five judges and you must receive a 70 % scoring on average. You also have to complete 25 speaking engagements within a three year period. Fifteen of those 25 speeches must include audiences of 20 or more who paid to hear you speak. You also must have five endorsement letters from those fifteen paid engagements. A record of the location and the amount of pay received was submitted with the application. How did you find out about the Accredited Speakers program? I first heard about it through Emma Santa from our district, and later from [AS] Sheryl Roush when she presented a seminar on the subject at a district conference in Stockton. Who helped you refine your Accredited Speakers presentation? I received the best feedback from Jeffrey Purtee and other Toastmasters in the Reno area.  How was preparing for the Accredited Speakers finals similar or different than preparing for the semifinals of the World Champion of Public Speaking? The biggest difference for me was that I didn’t have to memorize this presentation, but I did memorize my International speech. There is far less pressure with the Accredited Speaker’s accreditation because I was not competing against anyone but myself and the judges. And most importantly, you’re not disqualified for going over time. When did you find out you were a finalist? I found out that I passed level 1 on May 19, 2017. The night before I competed in the District 39 International contest in Anderson, California. Who are the judges who judge you and the other Accredited Speakers finalists? There are five anonymous judges at both levels; the video presentation and for the live presentation at the International Conference. What were the highlights of the Toastmasters International convention? Speaking at the Accredited Speaker program and earning the designation.  I also enjoyed a bike ride around Stanley Park and having a late night visit with friends from Sacramento and Reno at the Marriot Pinnacle restaurant.  Now that you are an Accredited Speaker- what do you hope to do next? I want to continue working as a professional speaker, but not yet ready to quit my day jobs. I also plan on competing to be the World Champion of Public Speaking. I will continue speaking as much as possible, in as many venues as possible, to be the best speaker I can possibly be. I still have plenty to learn to be a professional speaker.   Authored by: Kristi Beres, DTM Public Relation Manager District 39, Toastmasters International kristi.beres@district39.org

Where Does Your Path Lead?

Do you feel like you are on the brink of something exciting? That something may be about to come into your life that can help you make some positive, significant changes? Join District 39 as we begin a journey down a new pathway! Pathways Learning Experience is Toastmasters’ new education program. It is the most significant change to the Toastmasters education program since founder Ralph Smedley introduced the Basic Training Manual in the 1940’s. Pathways will help you reach your personal and professional goals by building current, real-world skills. It is a user-friendly online learning experience you can customize to fit your needs; whether those be in public speaking, interpersonal communication, management, or strategic leadership—or combinations of those areas. Some of Pathways’ features you will enjoy: 10 unique learning paths (chosen by you, based on your goals and needs) Learning at your own pace Engaging videos and digital content Experiencing the program online or in print Interactive quizzes and activities Expanded resources to model skills you are building—online tips, tools, and videos More specific and frequent feedback and recognition New projects such as podcasting, blogging, holding online meetings Pathways is new, but based on familiar concepts and projects. Your club meeting will remain very much the same. With the help and input of members from throughout the world, Toastmasters International has taken the very best of the current education program and transformed it into a modern, dynamic, robust learning system! If you completed all 16 of the current communication manuals (85 speeches), you could achieve 68 different competencies. In Pathways, you can achieve that many in one path! In all of Pathways, there are more than 300 competencies just waiting for you to realize them! Each path you take will have multiple projects in each of 5 levels. You will complete all the projects in one level before you move on to the next level. The skills and knowledge you gain in Level 1 will be the foundation for the projects in Level 2. Those gained in Level 2 will be the foundation for projects in Level 3. The goal throughout the Pathways program is to not just learn, but to apply what you learn. Paths have a combination of required projects and elective projects you select. The power of Pathways is your ability to customize the program to match your own goals and needs. Pathways has an online learning management system called Base Camp. In Base Camp, you will select paths, track your progress in projects, and maintain your evaluations and awards. You will find lots of resources and tutorials to answer questions and provide information and guidance. You can see videos of members who have completed the same project you are working on, who are sharing some tips to make the project easier for you. You can even “file” copies of your speeches and any comments you receive. Now that you are anxious to start, you want to know when Pathways will be available, right? Pathways is being released to the entire world in phases. For District 39 (in Region 2), it is just around the corner! We are scheduled for rollout this September. Before we can roll out, the District 39 Pathways Ambassadors and Guides need to visit each club to make sure every member has the opportunity to hear about the program prior to it going live. Look for them to visit your club sometime in August or early September. They are coming to introduce the program to you–not to train you in detail. Why not in detail? Because the current education program and the new Pathways program will work concurrently for nearly two and a half years. After the rollout, you can jump right into Pathways…or you can ease your way into it. You can even work in both the current system and Pathways at the same time. But rest assured, you aren’t expected to know everything about Pathways the day it rolls out. Your Ambassador and Guide will be there to help you for several months after the rollout. It truly is an exciting time to be a Toastmaster! Tracy Fletcher-Bowman DTM D39 Pathway Ambassador “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” George Bernard Shaw

It’s Time to Update Your Personal Information

It is time to update your personal information on Toastmasters International website. Is your email and phone numbers correct? Is your home address correct?  Are you receiving your monthly Toastmaster Magazine?  If not, you may have enter your work address at the time you signed up for Toastmasters or someone entered a incorrect address. It is important everything is correct.  Club President/Area/Division and District Leaders need this information to keep you updated what is going on in the district or be able to contact you. How do I update my information? Bring up the www.toastmasters.org page. Click on Login Enter your Login ID, Password and click on the Login icon. Click on your first name at the top of the page. Verify your personal information. If you need to make a correction, click on Edit link, update your personal information and click on Save. Contact Jane Taff if you need help.