District 39

Where Leaders Are Made

Where Leaders Are Made

Placer Community Awards Toastmasters!

Media Contact: Kristi Beres (714) 809-2593 Kristi.beres@district39.org  For Immediate Release: Feb. 13, 2018 Going for the gold-   Placer County partnership with Placer Gold Toastmasters earns Community Leadership Award  AUBURN, Calif.—Toastmasters District 39 Director Zack Souza presented Placer County Executive Officer Todd Leopold a Community Leadership Award Feb. 9 to celebrate the organization’s ongoing commitment to the community and its employees. Placer County employs more than 2,600 people and sponsors Placer’s Gold Toastmasters.  This Toastmasters club was chartered 26 years ago by county employees. The county provides meeting space for the club and actively encourages their employees and the public to join Toastmasters to develop their communication and leadership skills.  Placer County celebrates their employee achievements by posting their Toastmaster leadership accomplishments on their intranet. “Toastmasters provides opportunities for improving communication skills, relationship building and legacy building.” said Leopold. Placer’s Gold charter member Kimber Goodman said, “Toastmasters excavated the confidence in me like gold in a gold mine.” “Placer County supervisors encourage Toastmasters as a professional development tool to help us reach our potential,” said Veena Vijayaraj-Kadidal, who is both an information technology analyst at Placer County as well as the Toastmasters District 39 Division F Director. She said she has seen introverts develop into accomplished speakers who train others for a living. “Toastmasters helps us run better meetings, improves our listening skills and provides effective feedback,” she added.  ”Toastmasters come from different backgrounds. Office staff needs to communicate with their managers and the public, lead meetings and some may present to larger audiences.” Placer’s Gold Toastmasters President Jenny Hughes, “As a Placer County business owner and resident, I am grateful for the support Placer County has given our club.  I love that our county is being recognized for that support.” Toastmasters District 39 Director Zack Souza added, “The Toastmasters education and leadership program provides an experiential environment that help members grow in their careers.” To interview Zack Souza, learn more about Toastmasters membership, contact Kristi Beres, Toastmasters’ District 39 Public Relations Manager at 714-809-2593.  About District 39 Toastmasters District 39 is one of 102 Toastmasters districts, which comprises more than 160 corporate and community clubs in Northern California and Northern Nevada. To learn more about District 39, please visit: www.district39.org About Toastmasters International Toastmasters International is a worldwide nonprofit educational organization that empowers individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. Headquartered in Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., the organization’s membership exceeds 352,000 in more than 16,400 clubs in 141 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators and leaders. For information about local Toastmasters clubs, please visit www.toastmasters.org. Follow @Toastmasters on Twitter. Placer County Supervisor Jim Holmes, Toastmaster District 39 Director Zack Souza, Toastmaster Division F Director Veena Vijayaraj-Kadidal, Placer County CEO Todd Leopold Photo Courtesy: Placer County  

Sacramento County 4-H – Looking For Presentation Judges/Evaluators

Fellow Toastmasters, If you’re looking for an opportunity to practice speech judging and evaluations (with the added bonus of helping out local youth), on Sunday, March 18, 2018 (12:30 P.M. to 3:30 P.M.), Sacramento County 4-H is having its Presentation Day.  This is an event that I volunteer at annually and I hope you join me.  Also, pass this onto other Toastmasters if you’re interested. At 4-H Presentation Day, youth aged 5-19 give the following presentation either as individuals or in terms: Demonstration Illustrated Talk Science or Engineering Presentation Educational Talk Display Informative Prepared Speech Persuasive Prepared Speech Impromptu Speech (Topic list can be found here) Interpretive Reading Share the 4-H Fun Skits Cultural Arts The Sacramento County Presentation Day will be held at  UCCE Sacramento Office 4145 Branch Center Road, Sacramento, 95827) For more information go here: http://sac4h.ucanr.edu/Events/Presentation_Day/ To register, please go here: https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=22849 Or, if you have any questions, please email me at jasonjorta@gmail.com    

Farewell to a District 39 Friend and Mentor

Dear Friends, I am so sorry to share the news that our beloved friend Dan Rose has passed into heaven. We have lost such a good friend and I am deeply saddened as I know you will be to hear this message. We will always remember his amazing smile, his calm nature and his willingness to share his knowledge and expertise with everyone. He loved us and our club and was always one of the first to go the extra mile to help out. We were privileged to hear his wonderful stories about his family and his life and adventures in Louisiana. He loved them both so much. Dan has been in Toastmasters for over 20 years and came to the Speaking Machine in 2009. We were fortunate to share in his becoming a Distinguished Toastmaster and are so proud of him. He has served our club many years as an officer and part of our executive leadership team. I personally am honored to have shared and reaped so much with his mentorship and friendship. Dan, thank you for your many kindnesses, and for your love. You smile will forever remain in our hearts. Dan’s Memorial Service will be held on Saturday January 27 at 10 AM. Location is at East Lawn, 2525 Greenback Lane, Sacramento. Rest In Peace, Dan. Joey Waldrop President Speaking Machine 2017-2018 District 39 Past District Governor 2013-2014

Calling for Presenters – 2018 Spring Conference

Call for Education Session Presenters 2018 Spring Conference Sacramento Marriott Rancho Cordova May 18/19, 2018 At our District Conferences, the goal is to offer members education sessions that inform, entertain and broaden their Toastmasters’ experiences. Education sessions are a primary reason for conducting conferences, typically offering from 3 to 9 or more sessions. You are invited to apply to be a presenter of a 55-minute education session at the upcoming 2018 Spring Conference. Please review the criteria below and submit an application if interested. We appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge and skills with your fellow Toastmasters! Some Suggested Topics:  Leadership – How to be an effective leader, developing teams, leadership principles  Effective Evaluations – Organizing your thoughts, delivering observations effectively  Effective Meetings – Preparing an agenda, Robert’s Rules of Order, coordination  PowerPoint or Prezi Presentations – How to and how not to use these applications  Goal Setting and Planning – Techniques, getting buy-in, adjusting plans  Effective Speaking − Types of speeches, words, and phrases to avoid, appropriate language  Storytelling – What makes a great story, types of stories, why and how to use them  Delivery Techniques – Add pizzazz with voice, appearance, gestures, stage presence  How to Sell Yourself – Using Table Topics in the job interview process, networking benefits  Leadership – Being the boss you always wanted, getting others to follow with minimal effort  The Professional Toastmaster – Emcee at company parties, family reunions, community benefits, wedding receptions Typical candidates for whom we are looking:  Toastmaster members in good standing who have completed Competent Communicator or Competent Toastmaster award.  Members who have previously presented at the District level, have equivalent professional experience, or have coordinated and conducted registered Success/Leadership, Success/Communication, or Youth Leadership programs. If you do not meet these requirements, you may request an appointment to audition your program for the District 39 Fall Conference Education Committee. Persons not eligible to present:  Members competing in Area, Division or District Fall speech or evaluation contests  Declared candidates for District Office Expectations and Information:  Presentation should be appropriate for a large audience (50 members) and relevant to new and experienced Toastmasters  Team or panel presentations will be considered  First preference will be given to those presentations that have an interactive element and encourage audience participation, not solely lecture style  Sessions are usually 55 minutes in length, including 10 minutes of Q & A  Presenters at the conferences will present at their own expense. There is no reimbursement for conference registration, meals, travel expenses or printing of handouts.  Indicate any requirements for electronic support equipment in the course description Questions? Please call 916-517-0342 Jane Taff, DTM Program Quality Director Jane.taff@District39.org Call for Presenters Application – Click Here


Welcome to Pathways! This unique learning experience will challenge and inspire you to reach new heights both personally and professionally. To assist you in selecting your Path, here’s an overview of the Paths available to you. Explore the projects and speeches within each path by clicking on the Path that interests you. WebPage  

2019 Sacramento County Academic Decathlon Competition

Sacramento County Academic Decathlon The Sacramento County Academic Decathlon, held the first Saturday in February of each year, is an academic competition open to high school students from all school districts in Sacramento County. On February 2, 2019, hundreds of high school students, teachers, and community volunteers will gather at Folsom High School [map] for the 39th Annual Sacramento County Academic Decathlon. This year’s theme: The 1960’s: A Transformational Decade This premier academic competition for high school students will not be possible without the involvement of many community members like you who serve as proctors, judges, and in various other roles. We would love to have you volunteer at this year’s competition! Please take a minute to complete an online Volunteer RSVP by going to our Decathlon Volunteers Web page and selecting the “Register to Volunteer” link. On this site you can also let us know if you will not be able to make it but want to be kept on the list for the future. https://www.scoe.net/ad/Pages/default.aspx Herb Long DTM, PDG is looking for 65 volunteers. If you have a friend, family member, or colleague who might be interested in being a part of this exciting event, we’d love to hear from them as well. Thank you for your help and support of students by being involved in the Academic Decathlon! Contact Herb Long DTM, PDG if you have any questions – hlong@surewest.net