District 39

Where Leaders Are Made

Where Leaders Are Made

Submit Your 2019-2020 Club Officer List Now

Dear Club Officers, Your club still needs to update the club officer list by the deadline. The deadline is June 30, 2019. Now is the time to update your officer list for the 2019-2020 term. Clubs who wait for the deadline always have website problems. How do I submit my club officer list? Log into Club Central at Toastmasters.org, click the link to update club officer information and update the officers for the July – June 2020 term. Why is it important? Good leadership starts with good management. The Distinguished Club Program’s easiest goal is updating club officers. Keep your clubs on track by leading by example. Links: June Club Officer List Report: How To Update Club Officer List online  

Attention: Club Officer Training

Club Officers Training Classes are now posted on the District 39 website! Link to D39 Calendar: https://www.district39.org/calendar-events/ Districts must train club officers twice per year. First Training: Between June 1 and August 31 Training: Between December 1 and February 28 Clubs with officers attending training receive credit toward the training goal in the Distinguished Club Program. In order for clubs to receive credit, the district’s Program Quality Director must record the training information online at District Central under the Club Officer Training Report. Record the training information online by: September 30: for June through August training period (changes accepted until November 30.) March 31: for December through February training period (changes accepted until May 31.) 

2019 President Distinguished Clubs

Congratulations to all clubs that made President’s Distinguished by May 31 Aesop’s Fablers Bits N Speeches CAISO Capital Communicators Capital Nevada Capitol Toasters Delta Breeze East End Orators Folsom Intellects Klassy Talkers Master Talkers Mather Old Town Talkers Power Talkers Reno Downtowners River City Speakers Roseville Toasters San Juan Speaks Sierra Sunrise Silver Tongue Speaking Machine The Articulators The Original Articulators Tracy Toastmasters Trash Talkers Truckee Meadows Washoe Express   -Kristi Beres, DTM District 39 Club Growth Director

2020 Incoming Trio and Division Directors

  District Director – Wes Johnson, DTM Program Quality Director – Kristi Beres, DTM Club Growth Director – Nancy Potts, DTM Division A Director – Anthony Lucido Division B Director – Angie Rodriguez Division C Director – to be appointed by District Director Division D Director – to be appointed by District Director Division E Director – Karen Cole-Ainley Division F Director – Marianne Ward Division G Director – Jag Nagendra Division H Director – Jonathan Faridian Division I Director – Donna Lewis, DTM Division J Director – Bill Dean, DTM

Club Dues are Due! Keep your access to Pathways Basecamp…

When do I have to pay my dues to remain in good standing and retain access to Base Camp? Your renewal payment is due twice a year, April 1 and October 1. To remain in good standing, your payment must be received by World Headquarters on or before the deadlines above. If the deadlines are not met, a member will return to good standing as soon as their dues payment is received by World Headquarters. To maintain access to Base Camp, your payment must be submitted on or before March 31 and September 30 respectively. If these deadlines are missed, then access will be restored within 12 – 24 hours after their dues payment is received by World Headquarters.

The Wow! Factor Project

https://www.toastmasters.org/wowfactor What is the Wow!Factor Project? The Wow!Factor Project invites all club leaders and members to raise the bar to the new gold standard of creating a successful Toastmasters club. Tips and resources will be highlighted on Toastmasters social channels. Additionally, clubs are encouraged to submit a one-minute video entry showing/telling how they created a successful club. The goal? To raise the bar of clubs across the globe to be more uniform and top-performing. As International President Lark Doley puts it, “this will be our new gold standard!” Targets to hit: Re-assess Toastmasters goals. Improve club experience to meet goals. Promote club mission to share membership benefits. Publicize when and where clubs meet. Retain members by supporting personal and professional goals. Recruit new members through open houses.