District 39

Where Leaders Are Made

Where Leaders Are Made

Our Deepest Sympathy Shelley Horwitz

Shelley Horwitz, long time Toastmaster and father of Valerie Alexander, sadly passed away on Christmas Day succumbing to Covid-19. Shelley was a remarkable man with many Toastmaster friends in District 39 and throughout the U.S.  He was a beloved member of the First Nevadans Toastmasters Club since 2015. He was well known for his gracious and warm demeanor as well as his infectious smile and engaging spirit. Put simply, he was a most likable guy. Shelley was a true Toastmaster who continually strived to do, and to be, the best representative of the organization. No one was more willing to help Toastmasters in the District. most recently, he volunteered and was the timer for both of our Division I sponsored Tall Tales Events, and kept us on our toes. Shelley was a good friend, husband, father, grandfather, and Toastmaster. Valerie plans to have a virtual ceremony in his honor on Sunday, January 3rd. Memorial to Celebrate the Life of Shelley J. Horwitz Time: Jan 3, 2021 12:00 PM US/Pacific Please contact Ed Johnson ed.johnson@district39.org for Celebration of Life details. On behalf of District 39 Toastmasters, I offer sincerest condolences. Shelley, you are loved and will be sorely missed.

Area Director Club Visit Reports Are Due!

Area Director Club Visit Reports Are Due! In order to foster club quality, Area Directors visit the clubs in their Areas at least twice a year (in a first round and a second round of visits). As the link between the club and the District, Area Directors make themselves available during these visits to answer questions and offer clubs support. This District support helps clubs retain and build membership as a result of positive member experiences. For credit in the Distinguished Area Program, Area Directors must submit an Area Director’s Club Visit Report for the first round of visits by November 30 and for the second round of visits by May 31, 2021. These reports may be submitted online through District Central. Club visits are opportunities for the district, through the area director, to support clubs and improve club quality. The Area Director’s Club Visit Report guides area directors in evaluating club quality during these visits by assessing the club at each of the Moments of Truth. Area directors identify opportunities for improvement and specify the support that clubs need from the district, helping clubs retain and build membership through positive member experiences. This important contribution on the part of area directors helps clubs grow and earn Distinguished recognition. Are Area Director visits still being completed? Yes, Area Director visits are still occurring, but will need to be conducted online. Since clubs are either not meeting or have switched to meeting online, should Area Directors still conduct their visits? Yes, Area Directors should still conduct their visits, now more than ever, but should do so online. If clubs are not meeting, it is a good opportunity for the Area director to extend their support. Area Directors can get an understanding of why the club is not meeting, as well as the rest of the information required for Area Director reports. The Area Director can also help facilitate the club meeting online. First Round Club Visit Reports are due by November 30, 2020 Blank Area Director Club Visit Form Link Submit Area Director Club Visit on-line Link Serving Clubs Through Visits Complete Guide for Area Directors Nancy Potts DTM Program Quality Director 2020-2021 nancy.potts@district39.org text/cell 775-722-3973

Thank You, John!

Musical genius Sting once wrote, “If you love somebody, set them free.”  Maybe he’s right. District 39 loves John Pasamonte.  He is a loyal club member, trainer, club sponsor, an incredible Zoom Master, a member of Nancy Pott’s Training Team, our District 39 Webmaster, aide to our Region 1 Advisor, and now in demand at Toastmasters International for his impeccable services.  He is well liked and respected by all who know him. I recently spoke with John about all his many duties and responsibilities.  He never says “no.”  Sometimes someone else has to say that for him.  Because of John’s numerous duties and responsibilities, and the demand for his services and technical assistance at higher Toastmasters levels, we agreed that he should relinquish some of his District 39 duties for a while.  Effective September 30, 2020, John will no longer serve as our Webmaster.  He has agreed to provide advice when needed, as well as remain in all his other current roles, including as a member of both the Training and Public Relations teams and as advisor to the District. Thank you, John.  We appreciate your willingness of spirit, your generosity, and certainly your skills!  We wish you the best in your newly added roles with Region 1 and Toastmasters International.

Ralph Smedley Award

Program Dates: August 1 – September 30 Can your club add five new, dual, or reinstated members with a join date between August 1 and September 30? Accomplish this goal and you’ll qualify to receive a “Smedley Award” ribbon, named in honor of Ralph Smedley, which you can display on your club’s banner. Qualifying clubs can also earn a special discount code for 10-percent off their next club order. (The discount code expires six months from the date of issue and is not valid with any other offer.)Applications and payments for members with a join date between August 1 and September 30 must be received at World Headquarters or online no later than September 30. The addition of transfer and charter members does not count toward “Smedley Award” credit. The winning clubs will be revealed online within a few weeks of the submission deadline. Winning clubs should allow up to 10 business days to receive their award if they are located in the United States, and up to 21 business days if they are outside of the United States.

Congratulations to 2020-2021 District Leaders

District Director Elect Ed Johnson DTM   Program Quality Director Elect Nancy Potts DTM   Club Growth Director Elect Denise Alder-Gutherz    Division A Director Elect Kathleen Sandoval Division C Director Elect Kelly Cummings Division F Director Elect Marianne Ward DTM Division G Director Elect Pat Knight DTM Division H Director Elect Reham Nawar  Division J Director Elect Kenneth Bradshaw