District 39

Where Leaders Are Made

Where Leaders Are Made

Membership Dues

Dear Toastmaster We noticed that your membership dues have not yet been submitted to Toastmasters International. While it might have been an oversight, there are just a few days until the deadline of September 30 to renew. If Toastmasters helped you: Grow personally or professionally Learn new skills Reduce filler words Run efficient meetings Make or improve friendships and relationships Or If you have: Had fun at your club meetings Given or heard inspiring speeches Enjoyed Speech Contests Answered Table Topics better each time Benefited from thoughtful evaluations Then, for less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day, you have every reason to renew in the proven program that puts you and your goals first. Renewing your membership will allow you continue your achievement path in Toastmasters, hold office, earn awards, have uninterrupted access to Pathways and participate in the Humorous speech contest being held in October. Contact your club officer today! If you have a credit card your club officer can pay your Toastmasters International dues online. Grow with us and learn the skills that will take you into your best future!  If you are a Club Officer: Call your members and help them renew their membership. Timely submission of your own dues will give you uninterrupted access to Club Central where you can submit education awards, add new members, pay membership dues, etc. If you are the President, VP of Education, or Secretary, you will have Uninterrupted access to Pathways Basecamp The ability to approve education awards for your members Keep up with the Distinguished Club Program (DCP) goals. Find Tutorials on Leadership Central – How to pay Dues /add members by Club officers

Renewal Opportunities

Congratulations to the Winners   Membership Base + 1 on October 5, 2021 ($50 Certificate) Membership Dues are Due, and Your Club could win one of three $50 gift certificates! On Tuesday, October 5, 2021, have your membership equal your base, plus one. Three clubs will be selected at random during the District Executive Committee Meeting on October 9, 2021. A $50 Toastmasters gift certificate will be mailed to the club presidents. Eligibility will be determined by consulting the Club Performance Report for District 39. Last-day changes may not be reflected on the web pages. Congratulations to the winners of the 8 by 8 drawing Kaiser Thrive Talkers CT Speakers Speaking Machine Thirty clubs renewed 8 or more members by September 8 and were eligible for the drawing held on September 11 for three $10 gift certificates. If you need assistance or need information on Club coaches, contact: Club Retention Chair Angie Rodriguez or Club Growth Director Lance McMahan Engaged Members Contributing to Everyone’s Success! Membership Building Ideas District 39 Website

I Reinvested In My Growth

                                  Would you like to win a few bucks for your club?   1 – Renew 8 by September 8, 2021 ($10 Certificate) Submit 8 or more membership renewals by Wednesday, September 8, 2021. You must also submit your current club officer list by Wednesday, September 8, 2021. Three clubs will be selected at random during the District Council Meeting on September 11, 2021. $10 Toastmasters gift certificate will be mailed to the club presidents. Congratulations CalVet Golden Bears for submitting 8 or more membership renewals! Eligibility will be determined by consulting the October Dues Renewal Status and the July Club Officer List Status for District 39. Last-day changes may not be reflected on the web pages. 2 – Membership Base + 1 on October 5, 2021 ($50 Certificate) On Tuesday, October 5, 2021, have your membership equal your base, plus one. You must also submit your current club officer list by Tuesday, October 5, 2021. Three clubs will be selected at random during the District Executive Committee Meeting on October 9, 2021. $50 Toastmasters gift certificate will be mailed to the club presidents. Eligibility will be determined by consulting the District 39 Performance Report and the July Club Officer List Status for District 39. Last-day changes may not be reflected on the web pages. If you need assistance or need information on Club coaches, contact: Club Retention Chair Angie Rodriguez at arod2760@gmail.com or Club Growth Director Lance McMahan at lance.mcmahan@district39.org. Membership building ideas…

Member’s Dues Are Due!

If you are a club officer – a couple of tips to help you with your renewals… Don’t let a couple of late members hold up your renewal – renew the members whose dues you have collected so you can meet the deadline!  The others can be renewed as you collect their dues. Don’t wait until the last day to renew – with over 16,600 clubs around the world, the system gets incredibly busy as the September 30 deadline approaches. A club must have at least 8 members paid by October 1 to be in good standings.  There is no longer a grace period. To submit dues renewals online, simply Login to www.toastmasters.org using your personal username and password. Click on Leadership Central, then Club Central Click on your club name to pay renewals. Under Conduct Club Business, click on the option Pay dues. Once on this page, simply select the option of “in the future.” This will pull up all orders with a future membership end date. Select the members you wish to pay for and follow the prompts to submit payment. Consider these important details when processing membership payments: Renewals can be submitted online, by mail or by fax. Please make sure the renewal is complete before sending. Do not submit renewals by e-mail, because financial information in an e-mail is not secure. Dues renewals can be paid online if paying by credit card. If paying by check, print the list indicating the renewing members and mail it, along with payment in US funds, to Toastmasters International. Make checks payable to Toastmasters International. To remain in good standing the minimum requirements are: at least eight members must pay dues and three must be renewing. Need help?  Contact Toastmasters International Member Services at renewals@toastmasters.org or call 1 (720) 439-5050.

My Final SPOTLIGHT for 2020-2021

As District 39 Director, this is my last published spotlight for the 202-21 Toastmaster years.  This is a very special one indeed, for this spotlight must be shared.  This recognition goes to all those who stepped up to leadership for this year in District 39. Club Officers kept their meetings going, absorbed the discomfort of membership loss in some cases, and kept right on meeting the needs of your members.  You altered your agendas, adopted virtual meetings, continued Pathways, and you remained on a steady course. Area Directors worked hard keeping clubs together, making club visits, completing reports, and mentoring club leaders.  You asked questions and provided answers.  You dared to lead even when the pandemic was at its worst.  You are commended. Division Directors, you set the tone for survival in a most challenging year.  The leadership you displayed, holding your Divisions together this year, was a classic example of determination in the face of adversity.  Your Divisions survived.  Some thrived.  As a group you were indomitable.  You set an example for how other Division Directors should respond in a difficult year.  Well done. Our Teams of Club Mentors, Coaches, Trainers, our Pathways Ambassador and Training Supervisor, and all advisors and helpers were invaluable providing support and advice that helped meet the needs of our membership.  You did not quit when things got tough.  You got tougher.  You are admired. The Executive Team of our Finance Manager, Administration Manager, Public Relations Manager, Logistics Manager, our Parliamentarian, and advisors Wes, Joey, George and Brian who worked tirelessly expending long hours (sometimes around the clock) supporting this District and ensuring we (and I) operated in the best interest of each member and club. Last, but certainly not least, I had a chance to work with two seasoned veteran Toastmasters to form a Trio that helped to guide us through this most challenging year.  Because we learned to work and grow together, the future looks bright for 2021-22.  Thank you Nancy and Denise for all you did. The torch will soon be passed on and I will have ended my run.  I am grateful to have served alongside all of you, from Sergeants-at-Arms to Program Quality Director.  I learned much and grew as a leader.  I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to serve with you and for you.  You deserve special recognition indeed for keeping “39” strong.  Bravo Zulu for “doing the right thing”.

2021-2022 District 39 Trio

District Director Nancy Potts, DTM – nancy.potts@district39.org         Program Quality Director Denise Alder Gutherz – denise.alder@district39.org         Club Growth Director Lance McMahan DTM – lance.mcmahan@district39.org


This week we are expanding our Toastmaster of the Week spotlight to incorporate a Club Spotlight. Our Club Spotlight is The Original Articulators. What club is President’s Distinguished, has developed seven Area Governors, has grown a Past District Governor, Lieutenant Governor of Marketing, Public Relations Manager, Administrative Manager and Division Governor? Who has developed or attracted over nine Distinguished Toastmasters to their club and coached the first female District 39 International Speech Contest winner in ten years? The Original Articulators, that’s who! In 2006 “The Articulators” began as a club to support administrative staff at the Sacramento City School District. Members received educational credit to increase their paychecks, but as is often the case, many did not take advantage of the opportunity. Still, the club chartered on June 30, 2006, and is going strong. The club became “The Original Articulators” when District 39 chartered a new club called The Articulators. Over the last 15 years The Original Articulators has had a lot of fun while building leaders. Some innovative members introduced the Iron Chef Competition in which members compete by speaking about their favorite dish made with a secret ingredient. Members have enjoyed Toasts to the New Year and Oscar night. Music and Lyrics is a fun night where members can sing, read the lyrics to a favorite song, play the guitar, or share an inspirational piece. Fifteen years later, three charter members still call The Original Articulators home. The club boasts many members who have been in the club for over five years, and they still attract new members every year. The Original Articulators will celebrate 15 years of “Toastmastering” the last week in June 2021. Please join District 39 in celebrating a club that consistently embodies the Toastmasters motto, “Where Leaders Are Made,” and see what they are made of. Club meetings are on Zoom every Thursday from 6:15 pm -7:30 pm PST For more information, contact Club President, Noralee Cole, DTM, 916-524-5895 ncole2010@gmail.com Congratulations to The Original Articulators! “39” salutes you! Ed Johnson, DTM District Director ed.johnson@district39.org

Naomi Takeuchi DTM ID

Naomi Takeuchi, DTM, of Seattle, Washington, is an entrepreneur and multimedia strategist of her company, 1000 Cranes Studios, which she founded in September 2003. She specializes in strategic planning and multimedia services, primarily for nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations. 1000 Cranes Studios, has established itself as a National brand leader and was chosen to showcase the development of its brand at five National Trademark Expos hosted by the US Patent and Trademark Office. A Toastmaster since 2005, Takeuchi’s home club is Seattle International 10 which she loves as this is a group focused on developing local Toastmasters leaders. She has held a number of high-profile leadership positions throughout her Toastmasters career and has attained the Distinguished Toastmaster designation twice. “Not only does Toastmasters provide skills to gain confidence and poise in public speaking, the partnerships and friendships built through being part of this organization last for a lifetime,” she said. As a member of the Toastmasters International Board of Directors, Takeuchi is an ambassador for the organization when she attends District events. She works with the Board to develop, support, and modify the policies and procedures that guide Toastmasters International in fulfilling its mission.

You Are Appreciated

Hello fellow “39ers”!   It’s no secret that Toastmasters dues are due for renewing your membership.   But why do we encourage you to renew your membership?  The answers are simple:   You can continue to build the skills you need to become a more confident public speaker (yes, even in a virtual environment). You can become a stronger leader in every area of your life. Your club can remain in “good standing”. You will continue to grow as a person and help others to grow while demonstrating the caring and generosity that you’ve displayed your entire time as a Toastmaster in District 39.  You can be sure that you are appreciated. We all know that renewal payments are due twice a year, on October 1 and April 1.  During this current renewal period, in order for you to continue with unbroken membership, to maintain access to Base Camp, and help your club to remain in good standing, your April dues payment must be received by World Headquarters on or before March 31.  The way to renew is to contact your club’s Vice President of Membership or Member Support Team and complete the renewal form and pay the fee.  Do it today! Your membership renewal ensures that your club will continue to provide you growth opportunities as a speaker, to develop as a leader, and to demonstrate your caring and dedication to Toastmasters.  You are wanted, needed, and truly appreciated.  On behalf of District 39, thank you for renewing and for “doing the right thing”.