District 39

Where Leaders Are Made

Where Leaders Are Made

The Unsung Hero

During the past few months of attending club officer training sessions, attending club and area speech contests, and speaking with numerous Area and Division Directors, one theme plays over and over again when it comes to successful clubs-the value of club champions. Club champions are the men and women who meeting after meeting, month after month, year after year, continue to encourage and mentor the members of your club to reach for greater levels of individual member success and greater levels of club health and growth. We are now putting a formal recognition program in place to publicly thank these tireless individuals for their unwavering faith in the Toastmasters program and for their unending devotion to the success of their fellow club members. Beginning January 2016 a formal recognition submission form will be sent to all members asking everyone to submit nominations of their fellow members for the 2015-2016 District 39 Unsung Hero Award.  All submissions will be posted to the Unsung Hero Award page on the District 39 website by May 1, 2016. All nominees will be presented with a framed award certificate and be recognized at the District 39 Spring Conference. Recognize the Unsung Heroes in your club by submitting an Unsung Hero Award nomination form between the dates of January 1 through April 15, 2106.  This will give our District the opportunity to publicly recognize our fellow members for their service.  Any questions please contact Sondra Nunez.

Donny Crandell – District 39 International Speech Winner

Donny Crandell represented District 39 at the Toastmasters International Public Speaking Contest.  Donny gave it his all, he was on top of his game.  He owned the stage.  Donny did not place but he made District 39 proud with a flawless delivery. “It was a pleasure to represent our district in the semi-finals at the World Championship of Public Speaking. We had a great group of people supporting me and I could feel their encouragement as I was speaking. I wished I would have won, but I learned 3 great lessons from participating. 1) Be more concerned about the message of your speech than on winning. I think I wanted to win a little too much. 2) Be sure to have at least 1 part of the speech that makes a heartfelt emotional connection with the audience. I think my speech may have lacked a little in that area. 3) Be careful with your comments if you feel the judges may have misjudged. I needed to wait a few days before making any critical comments. Those are my lessons! I also think our district is blessed to have some great speakers and coaches. I really appreciate the time and energy that Jeffrey Purtee, Russ Steele and John Davis gave to me in coaching. Thanks guys! I had a blast and would love to do it again. In the meantime, if I can be of any help to any one on our district, I’m available and I’m free.” Donny

“Let the Contests Begin!”

Area 54 & 55 Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contest September 11 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm Date: Friday, September 11, 2015 Time: 6:30pm – 9:00pm (Potluck begins at 6:30 / Contest begins at 7:00) Location: Sacramento County Board Chambers 700 H Street, Sacramento CA Organizers: John Heredia, Area 54 Director and Kathie O’Ray, Area 55 Director Area 62 Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contest September 11 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm Date: Friday, September 11, 2015 Time: 6:30pm – 9:00pm (Potluck begins at 6:30 / Contest begins at 7:00) Location: Raley’s Community Room 1915 Douglas Blvd, Roseville, CA 95661 Organizers: Matt Dittrich  Email: matthewdittrich.afg@gmail.com Area 32 Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contest September 12 @ 9:45 am – 12:00 pm Date: Saturday, September 12, 2015 Time: 9:45 am – 12:00am (Contest begins at 10:00 am) Location: Redding Library 1100 Parkview Ave, Redding, CA 96001 Organizers: Jill Dinsmore  Email: jldatlaw@gmail.com Area 51/52 Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contest September 12 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm Date: Saturday, September 12, 2015 Time: 12:00 pm – 3:00pm (Contest begins at 10:00 am) Location: Sacramento County Board Chambers 700 H Street, Sacramento CA Organizers: Zack Souza  Email:  zack.souza@district39.org    

Member Education Awards

Member Educational Awards Congratulations to the following Toastmasters for reaching one or more of their educational goals in August. Will we see YOUR name up here next? Achievements not shown here can be found on the Toastmasters International Educational Achievements report. [twocol_one] [/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last] [/twocol_one_last]

Earleen Norris has passed away

I am sad to say Earleen Norris passed away yesterday.  She was a good friend to all the members of District 39.  She was a Past International Director and a member of District 39 for many years.   Earleen moved down to Riverside California to be closer with her grand children.  The following is a Facebook quote from Earleen’s son – David Howard: “Hi Folks, My mother Earleen Norris passed away yesterday. Mom had an infinite capacity for love, gratitude, and giving. My mom touched a lot of lives, many who I don’t even know. So please LIKE this post if you would like to be invited to a SoCal memorial in the coming weeks, I need to get an idea of what kind of venue it should be in. My mother supported several charities, so info on charity you can give to in her memory is forth coming. In the meantime, you can do any of the following to honor her. 1) Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while 2) Have a Root Beer Float 3) Go to Palm Springs, Vegas, or on a cruise. 4) Play the nickel slots 5) Volunteer for an organization that helps people get back on their feet and really COMMIT to it 6) Eat a snack size M&Ms 7) Engage someone you don’t know that well. 8) Tell your kids you love them in public, especially if they will get embarrassed. 9) Join a Toastmasters club… or start one of your own (see #7) 10) Visit a small chapter of your church. Listen and engage. 11) Give someone a big hug (let them release first) 12) Always say “Please” and “Thank You” to your waiter. Well, everyone, but especially your waiter. Carry a tip card. Remember the words of Mary Baker Eddy, “Lo, I am with you always, watch and pray” Here is a picture of her and the man she called “her little joy””  – David Howard

Setting Goals!

Do you remember why you joined Toastmasters? Was it to communicate better with friends, family, or co-workers? Gain more confidence and get over that fear of speaking in front of others? Was it to improve your English? Or was it simply to improve yourself and become a better leader? It is important to ask these two questions: “Why did I join Toastmasters?” and “Have I put forth all my effort?” Review your goals. Have they changed or evolved? In what ways do you want to continue to learn and grow? To keep moving forward everyone needs to ask, “What’s in it for me and what efforts do I need to put forth?” Setting Goals Now is the time to set goals for the coming year. Whether you are a Club President, Area or Division Director, have you created a Success Plan for the coming year? Sit down with your executive team, review accomplishments the team made last year, use the Distinguished Club Program as a tool, and set the goals you want to accomplish in this year. If your goal is to bring in new members, host an open house or hold a club contest – create tasks in your Success Plan to make it happen. Setup a club calendar. Follow-up on your Success Plan, Club Distinguished Program and Club Calendar at each Executive Club Officer meeting. Finally – have fun doing it. Proxy Toastmasters International World Conference is scheduled to occur in Las Vegas the week of August 8, 2015. Each Club President and Club Secretary has a vote to elect the next Toastmasters International President, 2nd President, and Region Directors. I need to ask the Club President and Secretary – If you are not planning to attend the conference, please log on to www.toastmasters.org, select Club Central, click on “Proxy”, and select George Jarosik or any person that is attending the conference to carry your vote.  Thank you!

Your Toastmaster’s Journey!

Fellow Toastmasters, Thank you for choosing to continue your Toastmasters journey within District 39. It is through your hard work and dedication to excellence that our clubs continue to offer high quality club meetings, continue to add new club members and continue to create an environment which supports all club members in achieving greater self-confidence and personal growth. The focus of the Program Quality Team will be upon the following three goals: 1. Encourage every member of District 39 to earn and submit at least one communication and leadership award. If you are like me, you joined Toastmasters to become a more confident public speaker and a more proficient leader. Improvement of these skills takes practice. Keep bringing your manuals to club meetings. Keep presenting speeches and giving verbal evaluations from the Competent Communication manual or from advanced speech manuals. Keep working through the projects in your Competent Leader manual. Keep challenging yourself to achieve higher education awards by taking on leadership and committee roles outside of your club. Keep pursuing higher levels of achievement. 2. Encourage all club leadership teams to create and work through a club success plan. You know the old saying, “failing to plan is planning to fail”. Come together as a leadership team to set club goals. Decide which club members will reach those goals and when. Set regular meetings to check club success plan progress. Mentor members in preparation to become your next club leaders. Plan to reach Distinguished or better club status this year and every year. 3. Expansion of the District 39 Training and Education Team. District 39 is comprised of several thousand members in over 175 clubs throughout Northern California and Nevada. As our district continues to grow, more training team members are needed to help new club officers learn how to fulfill the duties of their leadership positions, to offer enrichment sessions on everything from successful club management, to club marketing and club member retention, to successful contest and judges training, and to help identify and develop new district leaders. Challenge yourself to create and pursue both personal and professional goals and to actively participate in reaching the goals of your club. Continue to invite guests to club meetings. Continue to share your Toastmasters journey with family members, coworkers and friends. Continue to reach for your dreams. Sondra Nunez, DTM Program Quality Director

Happy New Year!!!

The 2015-2016 District 39 Leaders wish you a successful new year. Now is the time to set your goals. We are here to help you! (Left to Right) District Director George Jarosik, DTM Division C Director Minda Fernish, DTM Division B Director Vanessa Lindeberg, ACB, ALB; Division D Director Donna Lewis, CC Division A Director Nancy Potts, ACG, ALS Division I Director Melanee Cottrill, ACB, ALB; Division G Director David Betowski, ACS, ALB Program Quality Director Sondra Nunez, DTM; Club Growth Director Lance McMahan, CC, ALB Division H Director Jane Taff, ACB, ALB (Not pictured: Division E Director Bob Blymyer, ACB, CL. Division F Director Pat Roach ACB, ALB)

Wanted – Area Directors

Wanted:  Current or past club officers interested in taking their leadership skills up a notch. We have four openings. Why should you volunteer? Gain Executive Level Management Experience Increased Organization and Time Management Skills Networking Opportunities Improved Personal and Professional Communication Skills Serving as an Area Director is a fun, rewarding position! If you are ready to take your leadership skills to the next level, please contact: Division E Director –  Bob Blymyer       bob.blymyer@gmail.com Division G Director – David Betowski   david.betowski@district39.org Please call or email me if you have any questions. Thank you. George Jarosik, DTM, DD Email: george.jarosik@district39.org Cell Phone: 916-969-8155