District 39

Where Leaders Are Made

Where Leaders Are Made

During the past few months of attending club officer training sessions, attending club and area speech contests, and speaking with numerous Area and Division Directors, one theme plays over and over again when it comes to successful clubs-the value of club champions. Club champions are the men and women who meeting after meeting, month after month, year after year, continue to encourage and mentor the members of your club to reach for greater levels of individual member success and greater levels of club health and growth. We are now putting a formal recognition program in place to publicly thank these tireless individuals for their unwavering faith in the Toastmasters program and for their unending devotion to the success of their fellow club members.
Beginning January 2016 a formal recognition submission form will be sent to all members asking everyone to submit nominations of their fellow members for the 2015-2016 District 39 Unsung Hero Award.  All submissions will be posted to the Unsung Hero Award page on the District 39 website by May 1, 2016. All nominees will be presented with a framed award certificate and be recognized at the District 39 Spring Conference.
Recognize the Unsung Heroes in your club by submitting an Unsung Hero Award nomination form between the dates of January 1 through April 15, 2106.  This will give our District the opportunity to publicly recognize our fellow members for their service.  Any questions please contact Sondra Nunez.
Sondra Nunez, DTM, Program Quality Director
Sondra Nunez, DTM, Program Quality Director