District 39

Where Leaders Are Made

Where Leaders Are Made

District Council Meetings

The Next Virtual District Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, at 6:00 pm with Zoom to be opened at 5:30 pm Pacific Time.

The district council is required to hold at least two meetings each year. The next council meeting, also known as the annual meeting, will take place virtually on September 26, 2023. The Zoom meeting link is on the calendar event page.

To conduct business during a virtual meeting, a quorum must be met. A quorum consists of one-third of all eligible club presidents and vice presidents. A majority of the votes cast is required to pass a motion.

In the event that any business is transacted at a district council meeting where a quorum is not present, a subsequent vote must occur. A majority vote must then consist of all clubs in the district, and each club is allowed to cast two (2) votes. 

The voting process will be the same for any voting scheduled to take place after the meeting. Proxies for virtual meetings are not permitted, and the president and vice president of education must cast their own vote. District executive committee members are entitled to one vote and may cast up to one additional vote as a club president or vice president of education of their club.

September 2023September 2023 Virtual Council Meeting Agenda TI Contest Email
Budget 2023-2024
May 2023 Council Minutes - Draft
Council Meeting Standing Rules
2023-2024 DC Appointments
2023-2024 District Standing Rules and Report
2023-2024 Contest Format Report
Parliamentarian Report
Club Growth Director Report
Program Quality Director Report
Division West Update
Division South Report
District Director's Report
May 2023May 2023 Virtual Council Meeting Agenda Credentials Report
Standing Rules
District Leadership Report
District 39 Finance Report as of 02/28/2023
March 2023 Alignment Report
April 2023 Supplemental Alignment Report
May 2023 Alignment Report
May 2023 Alignment Supplement Report
May 2023 Alignment Map
Club Growth Director Report
Program Quality Director Report

September 2022September 24,2022 Council Meeting Minutes 2022-2023 District Budget Summary
District 39 Success Plan
District 39 Finance Report
District 39 Audit Committee Report
May 2022May 2022 Virtual Council Meeting AgendaMay 2022 Spring Council Meeting Minutes District Director Report
Program Quality Director Report
Club Growth Director
Public Relation Manager Report
PRM Promotion
Division A Report
Division B Report
Division D Report
Division I Report
Council Meeting Rules
2021 September Council Minutes
Finance Manager Report
District Leadership Report
DLC Vetted Candidatest
2022 Mid-Year Audit Report
2021 4th Quarter Audit Report
2021 Final Audit Report
2022 Approved District Realignment Map
2022 Approved Realignment Power Point
2022 Area Director List
September 2021September 2021 Virtual Council Meeting Agenda
Sep 2021 Fall Council Meeting Minutes Sep 2021 DD Report
Sep 2021 PQD Report
Sep 2021 CGD Report
Sep 2021 Finance Report
Sep 2021 Parliamentary Report
Sep 2021 Division D Report
Sep 2021 Division I Report
Sep 2021 Credential Report
2022 District 39 Success Plan
2022 District 39 Budget Summary
2022 District 39 Profit and Loss
Council Meeting Standing Rules
Appointed 2021-2022 District Officers
May 2021 Virtual Council MeetingMay 2021 Spring Council Meeting Minutes
September 2020 Virtual Council Meeting
May 2020 Virtual Council Meeting Agenda
May 2020 Spring Council Meeting MinutesMay 2020 Virtual Council Meeting Reports
September 2019 Council Meeting Agenda
September 2019 Fall Council Meeting Minutes2019 Virtual Council Meeting Reports PART I

2019 Virtual Council Meeting Reports PART II
2019 Spring Council Meeting Agenda
2019 Spring Council Minutes2019 Spring Council Meeting Reports
September 2018 AgendaSeptember 2018 Reports