District 39

Where Leaders Are Made

Where Leaders Are Made

Greetings fellow Toastmasters,
It has been 26 weeks since we started our Toastmaster year. 
The District Vision was “D39 will achieve President’s Distinguished status before May 31, 2020.”
The District Mission was “We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.”

During the first 26 weeks we focused on Success Planning, Training, Club Visits, Member Retention, Membership and Club Growth.
All leaders were encouraged to complete Club, Area, Division & District Success Plans.  Many of them rose to the occasion.

Division and Area Directors – 87% trained.  Club Officers – 68% trained and still training.
Over 93%, a total of 143 clubs out of 153 clubs were visited.

Divisions and Areas that reported over 75% Club visits:

Division A – Areas 11, 12, 13, 14
Division B – Areas 21, 22, 23, 24
Division C – Areas 31, 32, 33
Division D – Areas 41, 42, 43
Division E – Areas 51, 52, 53, 54
Division F – Areas 61, 62, 63
Division G – Areas 71, 72, 73
Division H – Areas 81, 82, 83, 84
Division I – Areas 91, 92, 93, 94
Division J – Areas 1,   2,  3,  4

Thank you Area Directors that completed over 75% of their Club Visits.  Club visits are an excellent opportunity to provide positive encouraging feedback to our club leaders.

Great job Division Directors for helping your Area Directors focus on reaching out to your clubs and submitting their reports on time.

We chartered four clubs

Cinnamon Toastmasters – 7/01/19
Thunder Masters           – 8/22/19
Speakers of the House – 10/14/19
Simply the Best           – 12/27/19

Thank you Club Sponsors, Division and Area Directors for focusing on Club Growth.

As we enter 2020 let’s focus on finishing the year strong.
 With 26 weeks left

  • Finish Club Officer Training
  • Contests – Club, Area, Division
  • Succession Planning –  Club, Area, Division
  • Moments of Truth – Success Plans
  • 2020 Spring Conference
  • Distinguished Clubs (Education, Membership)
  • Grow new clubs
  • Club Visits – reports due May 31, 2020

Don’t forget our guiding principles:

With 26 weeks to go, what should we focus on?

Let’s be One Team, heading down One Path becoming One District we can be proud of.
Keep up the momentum,

Wes Johnson, DTM
District Director 2019-20
District 39, Toastmasters International
One Team • One Path • One District